(no subject)

Jun 13, 2009 01:03

WHO: The Doctor [Ten] & Rose Tyler
WHERE: Doctor's room.
WHEN: Evening.
WARNINGS: None for now!

The Doctor was still concerned that the Master was on board and even though the Admiral had assured him that he was taken care of, the Doctor still worried. If he'd been on the Barge before, why didn't he have his memories? Of all the times to admit to not knowing something, the powers that brought him here had certainly picked a bad time to strip him of knowledge.

He needed to know what had happened before. Chewing on his lower lip, the Doctor paced about his room, tapping on the TARDIS door each time he passed it. True, inside would have afforded him more space to pace, but he didn't want to be inside.

Right now, he needed to think and figure out what to do next.

Not to mention Rose. What a boon it was to have her here after so long apart -- wanting to see her and knowing he never could. So many unsaid words.

rose tyler, the doctor (tenth)

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