Aleera In Knots

Feb 02, 2009 05:31

Who: Aleera and special guest star!
When: The aftermath of finding Giselle has locked door to her.
Where: Aleera's room.
Rating: Potential violence.

Giselle had almost succeeded. She had managed to have a miraculously positive effect upon Aleera. It had been gradual, prolonged and not without its setbacks, but... Little by little, bit by bit, she was starting to rehabilitate the vampiress. Aleera, the bride of Dracula, had begun to start coming around to the maiden's point of view and the experience of becoming her adversary, Anna, had given the redhead much mental food for thought.

Aleera had started to make friends aboard the barge. She had even willingly taken part in activities. By the combination of prior feeding upon her and promises, Aleera had come to see Giselle no longer as purely a weakened target of opportunity. Instead, they had grown a healthy dynamic. One of mutual understanding, art and compromises.

Indeed, Giselle had become one of the few who Aleera would increasingly not only trust, but take at her word. If Giselle claimed something, then the vampiress would believe in it, knowing that she had not an ounce of dishonesty within her. The conversation of revealing the destruction of her young and confession from Giselle, that she sympathised with their deaths, had caused an even greater positive change.

Ultimately, Aleera was on her way to rehabilitation. This most unlikeliest of combinations had begun to work its magic. Aleera had grown beyond refusals, random threats and sadistic need to spread cruelty among other residents. She had become someone willing to try and learn from her warden. Someone who wanted to use her abilities to protect the younger redhead, rather than corrupt her.

It had been good.

And then things started to change... Another resident had provoked Aleera into lashing out, biting and leaving her on the floor for dead. Not actively killing, which she could so easily have done, but virtually as good as. The resulting imprisonment and Elle's not undergoing at least the same treatment, had raised issues of distrust within Aleera. Her primary motivation to strike out and shove when pushed, had been used against her.

Then, after three days of hunger, the vampiress feeling unco-operative, but begrudgingly deciding against simply killing the nearest fellow resident for nutrition, Aleera had considered assisting in chores, so as to gain blood in return.

And for that, she was, once again, imprisoned. The hungering thirst had not been given a reprieve and, instead, only increased over a longer space of time. More than that, those who had been placed in with her, had much the same complaints, leading to her thinking of them only as constant reminders as to her own condition.

Giselle had been attacked and killed by another. Aleera realised just how powerless, how impotent, she had been rendered. By the time she was unleashed among the population, at large, she had been dwelling successively on the need for murder and revenge. That she had been placed by Giselle's site of death, only made those matters worse.

And the killing had been overwhelmingly satisfying. They were not the mere application of fangs to neck, but horrifyingly graphic examples of cruelty. A genuinely demonic taint ran through her and the need to quench thirst and fury, alike, had finally been given a free reign.

Her initial victims had fallen quickly, if painfully. The last, a cheerleader known as Claire, had been... Toyed with. Aleera had taken Jaye's heart, freshly ripped from cadaver and pinned the blonde up against wall, telling her to sup from it. When the first refusal came, she had threatened to break her fingers, one by one.

And then, whether or not Aleera had to do so, increasingly traumatising orders were given, calculated to humiliate and then, yes, most definitely hurt her. Had Claire been still capable of instantaneous healing, then the treatment would have been far worse, but even without that, Aleera had ways of extending torture beyond mental limits.

So it was that the youth, too, had died. After her, Aleera sought more.

Then came the change of management and all it then resulted in. That final confrontation had been only after Aleera's reconditioning into the merciless reaper of death she had been rightfully feared as, in legend. Explosive chaos broke out and she had joined right in.

But while so many assumed that things had simply returned back to normality, they were far from that, for Aleera... She had been reshaped into the supernatural murderess of before. For her, there were some very real emotional consequences to this developmental retransformation and she was still on this path. Her array of ranged, magical abilities had, once more, been taken away, but she was still capable of physical viciousness and Giselle's return... Far from healing her, it had caused mental anguish.

But the collar and leash had been stolen away. Aleera's logic, of needing, now, to take controlling care of Giselle, was now being denied. Giselle had made her way back to personal chambers and locked the door, refusing to let the vampiress in. She was out of Aleera's clutches, unable to be simply taken, as Aleera was so often used to.

How could she protect her, without forcefully making Giselle stay close to her? For Aleera, there was no other solution. Just as the hunter had destroyed her two sisterly brides... Just as she had been snatched away from both her fanged maker and favourite victim-to-be's neck, moments before making the desired bite, in Transylvania... Just as with all of these things, Aleera now found herself divorced from Giselle. Unable to affect change. Unable to hold.

Unable to protect.

Telling Giselle that she no longer considered her to be the warden, but that their roles had shifted, had done no good. Giselle had simply refused, in return, to accept it. Aleera was not used to having her requests refused. Was even less used to having orders not followed through with, especially since the attempted initial stages of training Giselle to do as she told her, on the leash.

Quite simply, Aleera was becoming swiftly undone... She was both unravelling and twisting herself into knots, in mental frustration. She did not know what to do and could not simply sit around, powerlessly. She was restless. The only one aboard, for whom she had a genuine emotional connection, was refusing her form of protective affection and Aleera was getting steadily overwhelmed with paranoia.

She was pacing to and fro now. Not on the floor, but on ceiling. It was a quick, fast pattern of random meandering and hands were wringing themselves together, as she muttered in Romanian. Nothing she attempted, nothing she did, was being accepted. It might have been different, but the latest in a recent line of administrations had announced the old rules were back in effect, which meant knowledge of where she would end up if simply going on the rampage natural instincts demanded of her.

"You would accept, would you not?"

Aleera came to a sudden halt, when she said it. Her voice strained and now speaking in English, rather than native tongue. Nobody seemed aware of the disappearance of who her attention was now directed at. They were tied up, gagged and unable to respond, save for nods or shakes of head.

And from the looks of their state of abduction, Aleera had made her threats quite clear. There would be no escape for this one. Not like Giselle had succeeded in. She might not have hurt them, not yet, but there was no doubt that she could do.

And worse, Aleera was not her usual self. She was very obviously frustrated and strung out. Was unpredictable. Was not thinking straight.

Dropping cat-like to the floor, she approached her prey, expression stoic, set straight.

"If I offered... If I swore my protection... You would allow me in, yes? You would... Would let me help you. You would not lie, hm? You would not take things from me? You would not be like the hunter. You would... You would do as I said, yes?"

rose tyler, aleera

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