[And a voice, familiar but impossible to place, seems to just materialize in every room and speak, as though someone has always been standing there, out of sight. What is different, however, to those that would know, is that for once, the voice is not just present, but seems as though someone is whispering directly into their ear. They can even feel the breath touch them.]
The following Wardens and Inmates have been paired together.
Angelica Sexby //
naughtbutlife - Billy Costigan //
lost_undercoverArkady //
can_has_vodka - Mozenrath //
mightymorbidChief Stildyne //
der_umgekehrte - Rassilon //
times_creatorThe Fourth Doctor //
doctor_scarf - Mr. Wednesday //
glad_of_warJacob Palmer //
tospeakcandidly - Jonathan Crane //
doctor_j_craneMolly Carpenter //
goodgrasshopper - Thom of Trebond //
giftedtwinRobert Capa //
ourlastbesthope - Rex Lewis //
stopthat_destroSarah Connor //
terminatefate - Doctor Gaius Baltar //
to_be_capricanSeverus Snape //
emptyyourself - Sirius Black //
sirius_is_a_dogSummer Finn //
im_sid - Karrin Murphy //
whateverthemessT-X //
t_x_unit - Hannibal Lecter //
cannibalmindWill Parry //
becauseheswill - David Harris//
sixthanimorphYorg Stormheart //
im_spiderman - Ardent //
deepdowndark Wardens will be receiving their files shortly. Please read them over carefully and introduce yourselves to your Inmates soon.
(ooc: PHEW, that's a lot! New pairings, get with each other on IM and discuss whether you'll be making any changes for the port)