A Word From Your Admiral

Jan 31, 2009 22:15

I'm back. Don't everybody cheer at once now.

Sorry to say, as I'm sure the Inmates absolutely loved this whole 'no restrictions, go hog wild' thing with the powers, but the status quo-- ah! the good ol' status quo-- has returned.

Well, regarding powers, anyway. There are going to be some changes coming-- mainly, all teleportation and spaceships will find that they can't get off of the public areas and into places like, oh, I don't know... THE CONTROL ROOM anymore-- so I'll expect you to listen up when they come around.

By the way, all weapons that miniature overlord of yours handed out are hereby revoked. Say bye-bye to the knives now! All of the dead are hereby restored and-- oh, and 'Admiral' Master, I've given your warden something of yours to hold onto for safekeeping. I'm sure you know what it is.

One last thing: the staff's not coming back. Please attend to this in your own way.

Now, rest up, relax, and enjoy the peace and quiet for a bit.

Seeing as half the Barge's population is dead and our special guest star has been defeated, things are now BACK TO NORMAL! This entry takes place right after the last daleks were killed/booted.

There will be a mod post coming in a few days explaining the new job system and any other changes, but for now, we really just want to have some chillin' out time. Warden-Inmate assignments will occur on Friday, so please check here for available characters. Remember, we have to have consent from BOTH players for any Inmate/Warden pairing requests; otherwise, we'll pair your character with who we think will be most compatible.

All plot-related threads should continue until you guys are finished with them, and you're free to start any backdated ones that you need, too!

Here are some of the plot-related posts still in progress
The Level 0 Prison Break Plot
The Doctor, Prentiss, and Reid free the Admiral
The End of the Road

I want to give a HUGE thanks to E, for her incredible job at playing the Davros role! And also, I want to thank all of you took advantage of this plot to have some mighty fine character growth, and for making the final plot log as amazing and fast-paced as you did! You're wonderful, and we mods love you!

Now carry on.

Oh yeah. And as usual, you can comment to the Admiral, and he might talk back, maybe.

admiral announcement, plot

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