So, welcome post? (Y/Y?) Anyway, guys my personal journal will no longer be receiving domain spam. As such, I feel that a mandatory update post is in order. So, 1st.
Snow Kiss my fanlisting collective is now closed. Fanlistings will now be listed under the
domain. This does not mean that the layout is gone. It is being recycled because it's probably one of my favorites ever. It's now the layout of
Spirit Song*. Other than that, my personal and updates journal now share a layout. The real updates however consist of:
Fall of the Sky has an updated gallery with the lightbox script. Also, Three new sections have been added. They'll be under the
indepth section. As for Innocent Shadow it has a new layout. The lightbox script and finally, a new affiliate
Missing Pieces a Hiyono & Kousuke Relationship Fanlisting.
Oh and last but not least, the affiliates section has been updated with Colleen and because she offered a while back but I never had time to add her. Sorry, Colleen!