Mar 04, 2009 09:01
Avari, while I am aware you are injured and now Nabooru as well, I find myself unsure as to why a small person has come in and decided to take over. He claims that he has the permission of some 'crippled wussy git' to do as he likes.
Thankfully, he did leave, saying he had to go get his brother up and check his traps.
I'll be coming by to visit Nabs later as well as Avari if anyone else wants to come.
Karasu, I would appreciate it if a flock of crows weren't perched on my window every morning when I get dressed. While I don't mind the audience, it does make it difficult when they all start squawking at once or attempting to peck at Sackiroth. I would prefer neither be harmed.
I would ask how you both are, Yazoo and Kadaj, but I imagine the reaction would be less than welcome.
Oh, and Sephiroth, should you feel inclined to share a recipe, I believe I will be attempting to cook later. With Avari and Nabooru out, someone will need to.