Oct 29, 2006 09:43
whats the meaning behind slurred midnight promises?
made softly in the ear.
laying cozily next to the love of your life
of tonight
and maybe tomorrow.
do their waves resonate in the universe?
rebound and strike a chord in us later in life,
when we're lying cozily next to the love our life
of that night.
and maybe by then every night
or maybe not.
will the love of a night long ago come floating back
after the promises have bounced off jupiter?
will they whisper themselves again in our ear?
will they mean anything then?
or will they be sweet nothings from a lost face?
more beautiful now because the memory has faded.
or perhaps more ugly because the glow is gone.
whats the meaning behind slurred midnight promises?
or are they nothing more than dead air?