Oct 03, 2006 23:14
jesus christ my neck hurts. i can't really move my head without moving my entire body, because moving my head alone hurts like a bitch. my one roommate is very offended by the fact that i don't want her to infect me with whatever sickness she's contracted recently. she's all stuffed up and sniffly and i'm sorry. just don't breathe on my bed. i have no immune system. i'm sorry that you don't either. but that doesn't mean that you have to give me whatever your immune system couldn't fight off. because i won't be able to fight it off either, i promise you. i'm not going to SC anymore. i have no clue what i'm supposed to do. my teachers don't expect me to be in class on thursday and friday. i have a presentation due on thursday if i do attend class, but they don't expect me to go, soooo, yeah i probably won't. but my prof that the presentation is due for? yeah i live with her daughter, how i am i supposed to sneak that by her? not her daughter, her. i don't know. shit sucks right now. i'm in a lot of pain. my mom and i are still butting heads. i don't want to go home to get accupuncture to fix my neck because that means i'll have to see my mom, but i have no other solution to this. especially if i want to ride roller coasters on the 13th. blah. stupidness. i just want to be left alone. or with people that i don't mind being around. i have a couple here, but when i'm with them, i'm also with people who i do mind being around. i've never been too particular about the company that i keep. but lately i am. i don't know why. i just like being around people who i'm comfortable with, who don't talk endlessly about themselves and give me waaaaay too much information, and i'm sick and tired of being misunderstood.