Mar 01, 2009 12:38
Each year- usually at the beginning of the year, I try to "re-start" my livejournal life. I did it in '07... no luck. '08 didn't happen either. And that's ok, I guess. We can't all be avid livejournalers! But I can and most certainly do say that I have tried!
It is awfully interesting to note the pattern though.
I am feeling pretty contemplative today... I can say- honestly that I am happy with my life at present. I love my career, I am head over heels in love with a phenomenal woman, and I am creating my own nitch without being dependent on a significant other... PROGRESS! This is the stuff that growing up is all about! LOL! But as I sit here and reflect on the fatanstical-ness that is my life- I can't help but to think about the way that I got here. The people whom I have hurt and those who have hurt me, the mistakes, the regrets, the bumps, bruises, and bites...
I am only 25 years old and I have learned and experienced sooo much. The things that I have yet to learn, experience, and feel... I smile thinking about them! And while one part of me is thinking that I must be fucking nuts... the other part- the soldier, the trooper... the bad-ass, strong, stubborn, ambitious, resilient, Cruzan woman inside of me has a slight seductive smirk on her face, head tilted and lips glossed... mouthing: Bring it on...