I know I'm always telling myself to make things, but this will have to do for now.
These words have repeated in my head all day long: finally the final straw
i suppose it's true.
9 days until my birthday. I'll be going to Reno for massive party time bbq.
Tomorrow one year ago I felt about the same as I do right now. release, relief.
Looking back on new years resolutions I've done fairly well.
I'm working out 4-5 days a week.
Not really eating fast food ever.
Haven't bought a pack of cigarettes since November.
-i lied, i bought dave a pack last weekend.
tomorrow i'm going to San Jose to kick it with this 26 year old girl named Jeneatha
met her in LA and she does some type of event management for large tours and is currently working with Taste of Chaose. I just looked at the lineup two nights ago and its about the most depressing thing i could imagine. I think i'm gonna bail on the show saturday, but will get some drinking done in her hotel/dt sj tomorrow night.
-My camera is getting dusty.
-Portrait Perfume - Lessons in object permanence arrived in the mail today
thats a trip back to 17 and 1420 tennis lane
-the ncaa championship game was fuckin top shelf entertainment
Chelsea Kimball just texted me to let me know she has an extra ticket to the Suns vs the Warriors on monday IN PHOENIX. this is stressful.
I'm guessing i'll hear back from U of C here soon. I think i'll be minorly devastated when i find out i haven't been accepted. this could potentially mean another year before i am back in real college. I'm really enjoying work, but come on man, i'm gonna be the old guy in the class by the time i graduate. young ass broads a plenty, feel me? ha
brett and i have been skating at least once a week which has been right nice. Getting back tricks i thought i'd lost. learning new ones surprisingly. nollie flips? switch heels? nollie nose manuals? new to me man. love it. Sometimes i wish i was one of those kids that skated everyday back in high school because by now i'd probably be decent.
the new m83 is ace. new animal collective song is waaay on point, stoked for that ep. well looky here, appears its on what.cd. should have it momentarily.
been watching more lost than could possibly be healthy. I'm finally all caught up. watched season 1 then season 3 then season 2 and the new episodes simultaneously. currently rewatching season 1 because its been about a year. any other LOST-HEADs out there?!
I'm planning a trip down to Arizona soon. i know there about 8 other places i need to go (ny, ut, il) i know i know. I did live in arizona for 2 years and we're approaching 2 years since the day i left and never looked back. Who am i kidding, i'm constantly looking back. munster, matt i got my eye on you dudes. coming to start your party.
I've had some hard times, and i feel as though my life is finally beginning to settle. the waters have been rough for as long as i can recall. i finally feel like i might be ready to move forward and it feels like i've always imagined it would.
i thought i was serious about playing Myst start to finish, but i was over it pretty quick. gaming isn't my thing right now. i can't even fucking look at dust_2 anymore
went snowboarding for the first time in two years a couple of weekends ago with brett and joel and this nice gal that joel is friends with. that was awesome. i've decided next time im invited to go surfing i will accept the offer instead of complaining about waking up so early. its a lifestyle/culture that i'm very interested in, and brett insists that i will fall in love since i'm such a heavy cruiser.
i went to the A's game last weekend, first baseball game i had attended in who knows how long. probably first time since i went with ... i was gonna say glora or alexa mihok, but i've just recalled that i went to A's / Red Sox game last summer. womp womp. i went with David, Tom (yeah the kid i hit in the face), and his little brother frank. we got faced on the way. then went out in the city after. i felt like it was my job to make sure tom had a good time being that i hurt him pretty bad once and he's a younger dude. got a text the next morning "last night was awesome, i owe you one".
the next night we did almost the same exact thing but donnie was there this time, and he's back in his best form. missed the cat. at the end of the night got into a fight, which was awesome and hilarious. we all got to choke, punch, and face kick some bros, and donnie did what he does best; stand back and shout orders. "MERCER GO GET EM!"
three pairs of my favorite denim have massive holes in the crotch. something i'm not very pleased about. Gotta find a decent seamstress asap. the apc's are about to turn a corner, i can tell which i'm stoked on.
i got a 750gb external hd which on top of my other 160gb hd and my 60 gb hd in my lt totals at 970gb. couldn't quite hit the TB but i think this amount of space will suffice for the time being. i have probably 40gb of pictures, fool with that. I made a flickr last night, but it seems like such an intense tool that i don't even know where i should start with it. people are always telling me i need a flickr. I have my blogspot, but theres nothing on it yet. might wanna get that going soon. also check out : absoluteyouth.muxtape.com as frequently as you please, for random ass muxes by your bud andrew j m.
much of my day consists of reading blogs/rando sites.
a few that i frequent are:
http://intelligence.arkitip.com/ (a collection of blogs kept by important people in all mediums of design)
http://referencelibrary.blogspot.com/ (lots of interesting ebay finds among other things)
http://ffffound.com/ (found photos, you know how these go)
http://www.thebrilliance.com/thebrilliance/ (chuck anderson of nopattern fame, and some other dudes just blog about whatever)
http://tikiranch.blogspot.com/ (vintage advertisement and other trinkets and so on)
i know some of you wank offs are bored senseless. slap to these and get yourself lost.
for the most part these are things everyone would enjoy. i'll keep the dorky ones to myself.
there are so many more i have bookmarked at work, but these are a few i've checked for a long time or liked enough to remember off the top of my head.
sample strike offs are finally coming in for the big fish 08 line stuff i've been working on for work. its exciting to see things i drew on the computer come back to me as printed, embroidered, appliquéd pieces of reality. i dont know some of them look really great, others look mediocre to my eyes, but it could potentially be the fact that ive been staring at these fucking .ai graphics for months on end and i'm entirely spent on them. to new eyes they could be interesting.
I've kinda hit an inspirational wall. i think i'll have a few weeks where my head is a coke white room where erik hansen's prom tuxedo is dead-on camouflage, and then all of sudden from the snowy walls will appear something anything something anything something anything something anything something anything something anything something anything something anything something anything something anything.
i'm going to be just fine for once.