I just want to have some fun....please! Pretty Please!

Feb 17, 2009 20:19

Hello People!

How is everyone doing today that we got back to school, and had a really long weekend! Anyways, hope though that everyone had a good weekend and let's get the party started! =]

Okay, today in school was actually pretty exciting meaning that I had to many stuff to do that I was just day-dreaming in La-La Land that I was day dreaming about so many stuff.....Like we where doing some kind of tables for layouts that we had issued for this little "mini-project" thingy and my body was in class, but my mind was some where else in another world that made me think and day dram the whole time....Meh, than we had something to do and I was like asking around..."What are we doing?"

Amber the girl that sits next to me was like "What where you!?"
Of course I had a answer....! "Eh, yeah I was in La-La Land, dude!"
So there you have it...your genius was not in the mood to actually be in school and think so much for herself....
Actually, your friend was thinking about what she was wanting to do this weekend and thinking about music as well...in her imagination she was thinking about dancing in class! =P

What a loser right!?

Anyways, when it comes to Speech class....I am pretty quite cause there is not anyone to talk to at all! I wish that there was something exciting though....but there is not at all! Boo...not even no cute guys to flirt with....NONE! Which totally sucks!
I mean not to mention that they are ALL WRESTLERS and they pretty much don't want to talk about anything else than sports!? Whatever....everyone knows that ALL I care about is WRESTLING! But, I just don't feel that vibe that makes me want to like anything else! Heck no....don't feel it!

Then we have this goth kid and he's pretty hilarious that just makes me want to tell him that he is such a funny kid!
He is just really random and just comes up with ever idea.

Okay, English today was a total blow! I mean we had to do some schedule stuff for next year and it was pretty nice....but it was boring as well! I mean YAY! I am going to be a Senior, but the vibe for senioritis is not here yet....I just don't feel it either. I am excited, but I just don't want to celebrate sweet victory so early though!?

Besides, today was also questions about....."What do you plan on doing after high School!?" This chick wrote down in the paper that she would actually become a professional stripper!? HA! LOL!

Who knows....you maybe one?

Like I said I just don't want to think about it at all....I don't want to make illusions right now though!

Spanish was fun though and I think that is the only fun class I had today!
Well, I don't know if I have ever said this before but my Spanish teacher and me "clicked" during the school year that we always talk!
Well, we had this quiz to do and she was telling us that there was the name beside the picture because that is what it was called and I just blurted out that she had really nice hand writing and the whole class laughed! =P

I mean there just has to e some sarcasm at LEAST in one of my classes! I think that my teacher loves me though! I told her out loud that I loved her and everyone was laughing!

Another time she said something and I said out loud, "LOL, Where laughing out loud!", and everyone was laughing the whole period that we didn't even finish the lesson at all! Score! =)

Meh, I try to e funny with people cause that is how I am actually, I am not that person all serious.....I'll make you laugh at some point!
Besides, of  there was no fun than this world would be so dull! Really!

Then she tells story's a lot that we hear them all the time, and I just come up with something ridiculous that the whole class period she remembers it and laughs the whole time.....Hee, Hee!

I am like this really! No, I am not serious.....I look serious and I am not! I am myself always....I can do something really stupid and I wont care what anyone thinks about it at all!

Good thing though is that we have a good time in that class....So Sarcasm just comes natural in that class!

But Meh that class is boring sometimes as well cause Duh....I know Spanish/Spanglish!

Oh.....now I just have to stop with the rambling!

Peace Out!~

stuff, random

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