I feel that this week has gone pretty fast, and glad to know tomorrow is Friday! Finally!?
Eh, so today I went to my new classes which were basically just two classes and they were pretty sweet! I saw this girl that I had in another period, her name is Amber and she is a hell of a girl. She's wicked smart, enjoys to write a lot of fantasy story's and she is so FUNNY!? =P
I also got to meet two new people and they we all gathered around the table and we talked for a while! They are really nice kids, and they are very Smart! Which I am glad to know that..... basically everyone in that school is a retard and has no brain to think for themselves. Sorry but that is the truth. =)
Well, in class I also learned that we have a psycho kid. Talks to himself, plays with himself, touches himself..... O_O
Not so great to hear that huh!?
Well, psycho or not we already promised the four of us that we were NOT going to miss any school! Seriously, and if I do I probably will make them pay the price. Eek!
Eh, but so far I was thinking that BCIS was going to be boring and it ended up being a sweet/crazy class. Finally, I meet people that are crazy like I am! Right!? =D
Well Speech class was Okay. Not that exciting, but hey I can't complain it is okay.
Fun, we have freshman, Juniors, Sophomores, Seniors.....
Sport Players and Theater Kids as well!
Mmmm... but overall it was a very fun class. I believe that this Semester will be fun! Hopefully what I am saying won't come out in Vain.
Oh, and my English teacher read my story of the Motorcity Machine Guns, and she ENJOYED the story! Ha! =D
Made my day today and basically she loved the sarcasm that I made the boys in the story. She thought that it was pure gold..... Well, I don't think pure gold, but it was fun writing a story of them, and it was my very first one! Yay. I felt really happy that she liked it.
Then surprise, she asked me if Chris Sabin was actually Josh/Joshua from my baby book... well I told her yes and that he (in my imagination) was my boyfriend.... She laughed of the crazy ideas that I have in my mind. Well, she always tells me that it is okay to have imagination...... and mainly a lot of people love to read these kind of things. I know for one that she LOVES to read the random things that just pop out of my head all the time.
Which as a matter of fact I got a 100 on my Baby's Book!
My baby boy: Ha! =P
which by the way this is his name:
Andrew Hayden Harter
Cute! ;]
Change subject:
Today is TNA and I wish that somehow I can see how our Lovely/Handsome Alex Shelley is doing in his match against.... oh..... O_O
Chris Sabin vs. Bashir vs. Alex Shelley (champion) vs. Sonjay Dutt. Shelley pinned Bashir to retain the X-division title. Shane Sewell was the referee.
Yeah, there you go....
but hey I know that he is going to win so what is the deal seeing him on TV? Well, IDK?
I just hope somehow tomorrow or any other day there will be some awesome pix that I can see of the match!
It will make my day so much..... =]
Hmmm.... and then one thing that I just heard over the radio is that.... The Killers are coming to Dallas!
Why..... Why tourment me this way! Why, when you know that it is a school night and who is going to take me there to see you guys perform that badical music that you guys sing!
Messed up, seriously..... They come here February 4, 2009! Oh! =[
Just so terrible that I can't go and see them live and playing my favorite songs.... (tear*)
Somehow, I just can't get out of my mind there is something that I have to do February 4 to.... I know that it is something important.....
Wait, let me go check...
Oh, hell.... It's Chrissy's Birthday!?
Damn..... I can't believe it is almost February.... Jebus!? =O
you know what I am going to have to excuse myself but I just can't help myself and go watch this promo on youtube, seriously it is just so funny..... If you guys haven't seen it seriously watch it.....
Though this does not apply to you if you have already seen it!? =P
Ah, and then there is No Doubt also.... They are on in tour this year and I want them to stop here in Dallas. I love No Doubt! My favorite group of my very other favorite groups....
Did that even make any sense?
Ah, bascially it is one of my Many favorite groups that I love!
Hope they come though!
Eh, I just have to stop now because I know, I know I wrote too much!
I ramble to much!
Seriously, if you have not seen the video watch the boys!~
Take Care everyone and Be good!
Let's Make History!~