Nov 24, 2009 23:38
Okay, so update on this journal thingy.
Ooh, from the last time that I 'updated' here was a total slow 'update'....but I'm here now and that's the good thing right!? :)
Anyways, so lately I have been so busy with school since its last year...and well lots of things have been going one thing I'm talking AGAIN to my best friend forever from like from Junior high....were so together you know....and since I moved back to this school we didn't really talk at we didn't see each other so there was no communication anyways, like okay last week we started talking again and remembering the Hella Good times we had together and it was truly fun to remember how we used to have good moments....sometimes we would usually think about how I in usual would always make our 'nerdy/cool' group we used to have some really cool time. It was just a badical thing to do cause we were always together with everyone else and just hang out and play around.
But, lately it just really sucks now cause we really can't talk that much cause were both so busy and its a hassle to try and juggle our personal and school life right really is hard. :P
We usually talk on myspace you for once we like totally talked for a VERY long time and than he was like....'You know what, we just need to stop!' And yeah I'm not going to lie you know I talk TOO much!
It's fun though....cause we usually talk about everything and to honesty tell you guys the truth....he is SO sweet and he really is the nicest boy that you can ever meet....okay, he's like too sweet....sweet as candy! ;)
No! I don't have a crush on him he's like my brother from another mother you know....he really is sweet for sure and guy friends like that these days are hard too find....Oh and he's name is Kenny....I'm probably going to mention him by his name now! :P
(Yeah, Kenny from South Park....I ALWAYS make fun of him cause of that!)
Ugh, but yeah moving right along....
I need to clear my throat on this though....Ehm.....
Cough, cough okay now that I get that out of the way....I just need to say this...
OMG! I know that I told you guys that I go and volunteer at this clinic and its fun you know....I meet people there everyday and its cool you know cause I get to help out....well, like I remember that the first week that I was there I DIDN'T talk at all....(awkward, yeah It really is) but I just felt the need to be quite and not make a peep come out of me....but some how there is ALWAYS someone that makes you talk and it was there is this one girl there and she is truly the bomb....her name is Stacy and she is just so sweet and just talks so much....(which is hella good with me!)
Than we have some Medical School kiddies that just come to the clinic every week and helps out.....there are some really cool ones and some pretty stupid really....there ARE some really dumb medical kids that don't know what the hell they are doing....its ridiculous....really it is, it makes me feel bad....and (Psst, I'm still in High School!)
Why are they slow? I have no idea.....why are some of them kind of out of hand when it comes to working with just three Okay I remember there was this one Med. Girl.....guess that it was here first time to actually 'work' with a patient and she goes like....What do I do?! Of course, me and my smart mouth like usual....
'Gee, I really can't tell you what to do cause first of all, I'm not a doctor, second your in medical and I think that you already read in some kind of thick book of yours how to talk to a patient right!? Or am I wrong hun?'
Boy, that just makes me laugh remembering that.....if you would have seen here face, she freaked out! Like really she just stood there not knowing what to do....luckily, we had a really nice Med. student that knew what he was doing and showed her....anyways, yeah than she got stuck when it came to taking the glucose test....(Diabetic test!) she freaked out just trying to poke the finger at the patient....OMG, it was so sad too see her poke the needle to this poor older lady and she was like....I'm scared....Help me!?
Here I come in and I just poke the needle in the lady's finger and than she goes like....Wow, that didn't hurt like the last one at all....Wow, and I'm not NEAR as she is.....(TOTAL FAILURE!?)
I was like, 'That wasn't that bad....'
She's like, 'Im scared of blood....'
Maybe she can consider working in the front office or something....or just totally choose a different career!? :\
Who knows and than some of these Med kids are so weird and they think there all that cause they wear the 'WHITE JACKET!?' oh yeah once more with my mouth....LOL, well yeah this one guy was like....'My white jacket!? Need to go wear it....than I was like....Oh, you dont have too, see I'm wearing white beats blue....meaning that im enferior than what you are....more powerful actually.....he gave me this blank stare that was like, OMG....what the hell? Yeah, see Im telling you they think there so great....Whatever dude....whatever.
Now, I like the nice ones....there is this really badical chick there that is so sweet and that just loves to help out all the way (not like the snobby ones) shes so out there and of course its funny when she laughs cause she has like this funny little snort that she makes....(its adorable!) :P
OMG!!!!!! But dont get me started with the guys....there effin' hot. Cute and adorable and the sweetiest ever! ;)
It's really fun when this one guy named Jayce and his buddy Sam go there cause all of us just laugh and have pretty badical time...its hillarious! Like Jayce he LOVES to tell stories to everyone in the clinic....he's hillarious, just makes you feel confortable you know....and Sam is like the kind of person that loves to help out....and always is serious...(well he acts serious cause Jacye makes him laugh too much!)
Ugh, but Sam is cute.....cause hes that kind of boy that has his eyelashes flipped up and they look so cute and his eyes are like clear brown....UGH! *Droops Dead* :P
Though, I have been noticing that Jayce is cute too....noticed that this week....its like somehow I just stared at him for a LONG time and it struck me that he's really cute too.....Mmm....I'm thinking its the hormones people! :P
Man, but I wished that Jayce was single....he has a girlfriend, but from the looks of it.....she sounds too blah....
who knows, there in love.....and love has its many different definitons....? o.o
Eh, but really there both cute.....Ugh, and Jayce is just too sweet though on Monday I went there and he was like....'Hey' and than I was like 'Hola' (Hi in spanish) and later on hes like 'I have to go'....he grabs his sweater and he just stops and than he's like.....Feliz dia de Gracia....LOL!? :P
Meant in English....Happy Thanksgiving.....well its a long story, but hey I have time to explain see Jayce hes mexican....born in 'New Mexico' and hes been raised there since he was a Lil baby....! ;)
He knows some spanish but all chopped some random mexican not knowing what he is talking about.....Ha!
See, at first I really thought that he was white you know....turns out that he is Mexican and I felt bad I was like, 'I am SO SORRY, but I thought that you were white? OMG, he just busted out laughing and hes like 'I get that all the time....' Oh!!!! I felt bad, but it was funny. :)
He understands you when you talk to him in Spanish....I just think that he is just so plain cute too.....he really is cute and I like his smile...and the way he laughs....his hair is black.....HELL YES! Eyes are brown...Ugh! :P
I don't know....but Damn all I have to say is he's fine....end of question....!
Anyways, speaking of eyelashes though I like just barely notice that Sabin's eyelashes are flipped up too....Ohmyfreakinggosh! Where the hell have I been that I did not notice that!? ;)
In what rock have I been living at?
Eh, I guess it was his baby blue eyes that I fell for....or was it his face....? Lips? I don't know it was something...? Body? :P
Oh, well I haven't talked about school though.....
It's okay....sort of like want to finish and get the hell out of there, but I'm just hanging on....
And, tell me why the Hell does our district have to go let us go to school for two days and everyone else gets the darn week off?
Sucks really, it sucks really hard. Boo! :\
I don't know why...but lately, I've been checking out Alex too much....? o.o
See, I'm telling you that I'm getting too boy crazy really. Need to calm myself down.
Gosh, and since today is not a school night I'm staying up till like later than 5:00 P.M. I have some things to do....Ehm...things...! :P
Things as in checking my baby.....(if you get what I mean.) ;)
So many girls in my school have gone to see new moon that vampire movie....Hey, I haven't read the series so no, I'm not here to say nothing bad nor good.....but eh, I've touched the book before so No, I didn't turn into a vampire....! :D
Anyways, I guess that is it for today....seems a little bit, but eh....
And, if I'm not here tomorrow I wish you all.....
Peace and Love!~
CG! :)