Just seems right to me!

Mar 06, 2009 18:18

Oh, things here have been going so slow..I mean I wish that I could actually like not do anything anymore cause I just don't feel like doing anything....Well the only good thing is that it is Friday....Right...and  just one week till spring break! Yay! =P

I can't wait, well in a way I am going to stay home and probably do some chores around the house like I know for sure that I am going to have to clean my room! Than, I may think about changing the desk and bookshelf in my room. Who knows, I may even think about putting up some posters, but at the same time I am not that sure at all....!?

Anyways, I don't know yet but I hope that this week can go by fast so that I can rest and do some things around the house...Meh!

Pretty much school was a bummer today cause in US HISTORY we had to take some notes about things that had happened around in the fifties....it was interesting to know,  but in the morning I just can't feel the vibe to look at the projector and take notes the whole class period....Just got up from sleep so you can imagine me already falling asleep in class! =)


Well yeah pretty much it was boring so not much to say about that at all.....but second period was boring as well not exciting to know more complicated things in Chemistry! Sucked and well the only entertainment there is my buddy named Ebony and she is pretty funny...though Brittany was falling asleep the whole time I just didn't want to wake her up. Poor Dear!

Getting to Math OMG! That class is just so BORING! Goodness, Claudia is in there, but she is really quiet about a lot of things you know the only thing is that we can't talk to each other cause the teacher gets upset about it! Boo! =P
Oh, and well learned something new about Circles that pretty much I know that I am not going to use it for my future so why learn about it know!? Really!?

Ah, and Criminal Justice was dumb too cause we had a substitute teacher and he was okay...but I felt bored and feel asleep the entire time that I missed a movie....Uh-Huh!? Yeah, I just didn't get the entire movie...the one I talked about last time well it was very challenging that I did not understand it all! Sucks!

Though at lunch...okay my friend Olivia from Michigan said that she heard that today was National Skip Day for Seniors! So, Obviously we are not seniors....yet we decided that we were going to go skip! =P

Unfortunately, we didn't end up skipping she didn't want to.....I did though I mean skip heck yeah for a little bit, I mean you only live once so why not enjoy the moment....What are they going to do actually....? Call your parents!? Well, turns out that they won't be able to get a hold of mom cause we don't have the same number! ;)

So....we decided that we were going to skip March 11....cause it is 311 Day and might as well go skip, Meaning that we are totally ditching one class go buy some Bee...Soda...yeah soda and buy some Cig..I mean uh.....yeah no smoking children!

Well, that say is going to be a B-day....Darn!
Bad thing is that we have to decide which period we are not going to go.....We have to plan this out good...!?

If in the last minute she won't skip....than my plans are down...!

I have skipped before but never in high school cause I just haven't felt like skipping but now I actually do want to skip! Than again where the heck  are we  going to go when I have no car to even go to Kroger....!?

Oh, don't know should I skip or not!? Well see?

I don't feel like finishing the English Research Paper for our Junior Theme....My birthday totally sucks...and bad thing about it is that I can't really find anything "great" about my birthday...There is nothing exciting...I mean I Love my birthday cause it is a special day...I was born, but the ad thing is that there is nothing that good about it at all!

Like for example I bet everyone knows who Jimi Hendrix is right!? Well if you do than obviously you know that he died September 18...due to some overdose of drug...Jimi One question for you dude...Why didn't you die September 17!? Why!? =(

Than oh well John Ritter was born on the same day as me! Yay! He was so funny and I remember watching him like in some re-runs of  Three's Company....it was a really good  show!

I don't feel the vibe to go to the library right now....Actually, plain and simple I don't feel like doing anything at all...It's like I am missing something...something to cheer me up...I need something that well just amuse me and make me happy cause right now I can't seem to have any enlightenment....!

I guess that I need to see/hear something....!? I don't know what it is though!?

I think that I may need some coffe or tea right know though!?

Peace Out!

bordem, thoughts

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