Feb 27, 2009 20:15
Thank goodness that today is Friday cause I just feel with things here getting out of hand in school, and I have to get a lot of things done this weekend....which is terrible cause I won't have any free time for this weekend. =(
Totally blows, I know...but I think that I can manage to actually get all of these things finished so that I won't have anything else to do on Sunday....Hopefully! Bad enough though I have to go to the library this weekend and look for some couple of books that I need for English and I wish that I could go early tomorrow...but I doubt it though!? I have no idea what I am going to go to the library and do so much junk....it's terrible and not only that but Monday I have a test for Chemistry and I get it but I just don't want to fail it cause that won't be good at all...I don't want to fail Chemistry...Anyways, than I have this presentation for Speech class which is not going to be fun to do...oh, but bad enough Tuesday we have these freakin' Test that are called "Taks Test" and if we don't pass the test than we don't get our diploma at all....I am scared about it though! Than again it is English so I think I will be able to ace the test really nicely! ;]
Okay, enough rambling about depressing/worthless things.....
So Morning was fun cause the teacher was not there and mainly we all had to actually begin this project for budgeting...anyways we had to choose the car that we wanted to get and okay I know this is actually crazy and everything but I bought this Lamborghini Gallardo! Which I know is a expensive car I bought it online and I gave a 1,000 Loan Payment deal so guess how much I have to actually pay per month for that car!? Yeah, that is right if you did all your math right I have to pay:
Wait, Wait, Wait~
Whoa, Whoa, I know it is expensive.....crazy! Anyways point is that since I make $6 an hour I can't be able to make payments each month...though sacrafice's can be made....Maybe not eat for 5 years....but I know for just one day you starve to death so the question here is...
Should I got the Gallardo or choose another car!? O.O
Got other options though...either choose the car and be in dept for the rest of my life...or get a car that I can atleast pay for! =P
Decided that I would rather go to other alternatives...Since there are 4 more cars that I can buy I got a scion, Ford Mustang Gt, I beleive that a Kia!? And, last but not least a Mazda and it looks alright....though out of these four I would so get the Ford Mustang GT cause the car inside has leather brown seats and the outside is black, and it's last year model! Not that much mileage on it either, but I really want a Mustang though when I get older all the kids in the "block" have one meaning that mainly A Musatang here is really popular! I really like all my cars....but I have to choose the one that fits with my $6 pay....which totally sucks for the Lamborghini Gallardo! =(
It's really nice cause it has leather seats and when it is cold just turn on the heating on the side of the seat and it will get all warm and toasty for you... Oh, I want it badly! =P
Eh, might as well just get a cheap car...
Anyways, beyond that today was actually beyond boring there was nothing fun at all about it though...only that we got checked by some officers today and there was a kid next door to us that actually had some weed that he was going to sell and they arrested him and tooll him to jail! Poor Dude....Should have just left it in his house though cause mainly in school now they are going to continue to check us!
Alright it is getting late and I didn't write that much today cause I pretty much am feeling a bit moody right now and I just am a little ticked off about somethings as well....Meh, but I think that everything will go away soon though....I think I may need some sleep cause today like since 2 months I had this huge headache that I started to cry about it in class and everyone thought that something bad had happened with me which was totally not true at all! Head hurts still...so off to bed I go!
Till Next time =P