Well...what to start off with...I suppose I'll wrap up the Gamestop issue...
The store manage didn't want give the first and final write up, so he asked the DM to allow me a verbal warning because it was "totally out of my character." The DM agreed since it was "out of my character" and I got off with a verbal warning. Yeah, "out of my character" my ass. Unlike a good percentage of Americans, I know how to fucking count you idiots...though I didn't argue and I signed the paper and life rolled on. So that entire day I was nervous every time I counted out change, though at the end of the night, when the ASM counted down my drawer, it was dead on...so all was well and good in the world. I blame God for me being written up.
In other news, school started again...yeah...more on that later...when I decide how my teachers are, minus the World Religions teacher and my English teacher...the others...meh...one's an uptight lawyer and the other seems to be an upbeat ex-cop...meh...
In other news...
That's the reason why cable contractors should have a higher education than the 3rd grade.