Oct 06, 2004 17:34
everyone told me i was super funny today, i appreciate it =) i shut my thumb in my locker twice today and now it hurts. at the moment im waiting for nikki's mommy to pick me up for cheering - yay for my limabeans! oh boy on the bus today we all got yelled at and had to wear our seatbelts and stay in our assigned seats, were in highschool come on kids time to grow up! Tomorrows a tag day and im gonna wear my rainbow shirt and fridays another tag day and im wearing my moraine shirt! ah so excited that the weeks almost over but now my dad doesnt wanna go up to Bucknell cause the broham is working all saturday but i still wanna go really bad, pray that i do! okay time for rah rah - peace out kiddos <33
i just found out my daddy had dinner with roger clemens and andy pettite last night, kinda cool i think.