I went to the doctor today. I talked with him for an hour and a half. Apparently, I am doing too much and it's causing my health to deteriorate. When you have physiological problems they look for 3 patterns to be messed up sleeping, eating, and energy levels. Yeah all of mine are fucked up, so now I'm taking a sleeping pill/anti-depressant. Fun fun. Short term: drugs Long term: prioritize meaning ride less and hang with friends less, sleep more. EASIER SAID THEN DONE!
Me: This week sucks beyond all reason
Taylor: This year suck beyond all reason
Me: good point
Chase will be rich and make 7 babies with Jwo no Jlo. No just kidding with Whitney
Chase will become a mad scientist and make an eggplant and then it will eat him.
Christiana will turn into an eggplant and then Chase’s mom will cook her.
Whitney will be the beauty queen of Ohio even though she lives on Texas. She will be spotted by Jim Carrie and proceed to star with him and make millions of dollars. Then she will go back to cheap ass Chase and her seven kids.
Chase, Christiana, and I have the maturity of like 6 year olds.