Mar 16, 2007 23:14
The average guy right now would be going nuts, he'd be so happy. I went to the doctor today and he said that I need to have sex. Why? Because, seeing as how I'm not sexuall active, I don't know if I have any sexual side-effects to my illness. So.... looks like I have a quest this weekend to get laid, which makes me like every other man ever!
Any other guy would be excited. I'm ambivalent at best.
It's almost 10:30 on a Friday night, perfect booty-hunting time and yet... I'd rather just go to bed. I'm still sick; that's the trouble. Earlier this week I came down with some sort of cold/flu thing, and my nose has been stuffed up, my throat has been sore, and I've had this terrible cough ever since. I think it's getting better though (thank God). This blows though -- on my two days off earlier in the week and now on my weekend, I'm sick so I get to do nothing. LAME.
Thea comes into town tomorrow! I can't wait to see her! That should be fun.
I do very little all day except watch House. It's great because it reminds me that I still have room to grow, in ego, self-pity, and status: those are things that I work hard to maintain my own levels of perfection in.
Someone told me I needed to watch When Harry Met Sally. I am currently doing so and wondering why, oh God, why did I ever consider doing this.