The "Yamapi-pattern" ...except with Vic Zhou

Jun 09, 2009 01:43

It's like that thing with Yamapi...once you find him, you want to watch everything he's been in, all at once:P
At least...that's what happened to me. It's what I call the "Yamapi-pattern," because those of us who got into JE because of Yamapi or Nobuta wo Produce, most probably have gone through the phase of trying to learn everything about him and his cohorts at once:)
I remember watching Stand Up!, ProDai, Kurosagi, back to back.
In any case, it has happened again, except it's Vic Zhou this time, lol.

One of my friends, Joanna, recommended to me the drama "Silence," and seeing as it was on my 'to-watch' list to begin with, I just went ahead and watched it:)

I cried my eyes out on the last episode, which was really cathartic, but I was def. flailing beforehand of the romantic yet snarky relationship the two lead characters had:)

I had watched "18 vs. 29" before this, and I had a bias against Park Eun Hye, but I actually found myself really enjoying her character in "Silence." I guess wiki said that this drama was made during the boom where many different Asian countries collaborated with each other to make films, so that's why there's a mix of Korean/Taiwanese cast:)
This also reminds me of "Virgin Snow" with Aoi Miyasaki and Lee Joon Ki something, as well as "Tea Fight" with Erika Toda and Vic Zhou:) There are plenty other collaborations, but those are just some I've watched ^^

I suppose the good thing about "Silence" for Park, was that her character became mute due to an accident in childhood, so all she really had to do was sign. But the signing seemed not as distinct or clear as Shibasaki Kou's in "Orange Days."

Anyways, I didn't realize that Vic Zhou was the lead until I looked it up on DramaWiki and then I was like 'whoa man, why have I not seen you before:P'
Perhaps the reason I loved Vic Zhou so much was due to the mistaken transference of my sentiments towards his character, lol. But isn't that the case for so many other actors? ;)

Honestly, I'm a sucker for love stories, angst, and romantic cheesy goodness:) It wasn't cheesy persay, but it's definitely one of those love stories that involve a lot of drama, but the love itself is pure and beautiful:)

To my surprise, I recognized another person in this drama, Andy Hui. I had seen him before in "Monkey King: Journey to the West," and I can't remember his character or how the story went, only that he looked familiar and that Money King was a good story:)

Andy's character spoke occasional Cantonese with his character dad, which made me squee because I could understand him at times ^^
My mom knows about him too, because he's also a well-known singer, lol. He showed up my television screen a few days after finishing this drama, so I screamed at the TV.
(My mom bought a special plan with Direct TV that allows us to watch actual programs from China...or Hong Kong, or something...too bad we don't have Japanese channels:P)

Anyways, Andy's character is amazing, if not a little over protective at times. His tone/acting in spots comes off as creepy/DV-ish, because he yells too loud when something wrong happens, but maybe that's just me. He really is a good guy deep down, and I can totally understand him thinking that he knows what's best for Park's character...but sometimes, you gotta let her go, even if it hurts and it's not fair to you.
It takes a lot of effort and emotion to let someone you love be happy with someone else...even when you know they'll end up being hurt in the long run. Man, if I had to do that, I don't know if I could. I commend you dude:D

But yea, because of Vic Zhou and the awesome trailer (below), I also went ahead and watched "Black & White." It's still airing and has two episodes left, but I caught up to it and now I'm waiting ^^

image Click to view

I'm not one for action dramas, but this show is somewhat like a CSI with a little less focus on forensics and more on the characters:) There are 3 major cases involved in this and they're all connected somehow, but the characters really shine in this drama:)
There are several actors and actresses in this who are amazing, who have yet to have a proper link in Dramawiki. The storyline keeps you watching, the people keep you laughing and lightening up the darker moments.
If you know the premise of the show, the title is obviously about two cops who are night and day, black and white, and of course, it brings out the issue that justice isn't always clear cut/straight; there is always a gray area...and so, the plot revolves around that:)

I don't know much about Vic yet, although I do know that he's more of a joker in real life than what's he's used to being portrayed as(more serious roles), so I think his current character really suits him well:)
He's the cop with a mysterious background, who doesn't really seem to care about his job, yet somehow he manages to solve cases anyways:P He's got a pension for doing the wrong things at the wrong time, but h

The newcomer, Mark Chao, really is something:) Ya know, he reminds me of someone, but I can't pinpoint anyone? Maybe a mix of Wu Chun with...idk:P

Vic and him have good chemistry:)

LMAO- no, no. It's not like that at all:P Mark accidentally stepped in front of Vic just as he was trying to lunge forward and hug this other girl:P

He also sings with the band COLOR for the Main Theme, and I'm surprised that Vic didn't get any music, but ohwells.

The supporting cast is really awesome too. Some interesting and cool characters like: Chen Lin, daughter to the gang that 'rules' over that district, which complicates matters because she is friends with the two cops:) She has great chemistry with both of them:D
Plus, she is SO CUTE!! ♥

Xiao Ming, he's like this kickass assassin turned good guy:) He's SUPER cute too! And he's the geeky guy from "They Kiss Again;" the one who was always second place against Joe Cheng's Zhi Shu ♥

The girl assassin who I've nicknamed the female Ueda XD

Female Ueda's younger brother, who also is an assassin. He reminds me of someone else, but again, I can't pinpoint who it is:/

This is Chen Lin's uncle who's pretty cool, so far. I'm kind of suspicious of him right now, but I'm still biased from knowing him as X-Family's dad ^^

The guy I've nicknamed the 'Shirota Yuu look alike,' because don't you think so? ;)
He doesn't look entirely 'Chinese' to me, for some reason (not that there's like a specific look for Chinese, but yea;p).
Lo and behold, he's Japanese! :D
Kageyama Yukihiko; he doesn't have a working link on Dramawiki, but someday! :P
He's like Abe Tsuyoshi...except I think Tsuyoshi's Chinese is more natural and his Japanese is still superb ^^

One of the 'tekkies' in the Police Force. Really is adorable, and he's a great help:)

And finally, I've also watched "Tea Fight," which I'm SO glad got subbed. I was just thinking that I needed to watch that movie and somehow it got subbed right on time ^^
I heard mixed reviews of it, but I personally enjoyed it.
Yea, there were moments where the tea ceremony techniques and history were more prominent/at the forefront of the story, but come on, it's the title:P

I actually quite liked that 'technical' stuff; it was well-done, pretty, and made with an extra twist of humor/randomness and 'fake-myth' background lol:)
The best part was seeing both Vic and Erika speak in Japanese/Mandarin, respectively:) It was SUPER cute and OMW boba tea<3333
The dad and Janice Chang (also in B&W, reunion!) interaction kinda creeped me out, but I guess it showed the mystical quality of the tea makers' ancestors powers or what not:P
Not enough shipping involved, but ohjeez, did Vic almost give me a heart attack with his hawtness and smirks and quiet charm:D

LOL- I'm sorry for my incoherent-ness ^^;
Ok, I'm done for now. *goes back to finishing eps 17 and 18 of B&W*
Next on my list to tackle: K-dramas "Full House" or "Capital/Seoul Scandal"
Does anyone know anything about those two dramas, and even if you don't, which would you suggest I watch first?

t actor: vic zhou, j actress: erika toda, review, movies, picspam, dramas, t drama: black & white, twdramas, t actress: ivy chen

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