I just found the video conference/announcement of Hiro x Ayaka's marriage, and thought I'd share. This video is just 1/4, but I'm sure you can find the following ones on YouTube, if you're interested. I don't really know what they're saying, but if you'd like to refer this to someone who can translate (or even wants to), then that would be cool:)
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Sorry if it seems like I'm spamming you with stuff you already know; I just find it really touching, and just something to be celebratory about, so I post it:)
In other good news, is of course, NEWS' new single "Koi no ABO."
blah blah blah, everyone's talking about it, but still, I wanna put in my two cents:P
Honestly, when I first heard it in the Russ-K CM, I was very pessimistic about it. But, seeing the preview PV for it now gets me really excited:D It's pretty catchy, some to think of it, and it does occasionally get stuck in my head now:P
I think Johnny secretly has this plan that he's plotting using the Social Psychological Rule of Scarcity. And he's discussing it with fellow Psychology major, Tegoshi Yuya
Step 1. Deprive fans of all and every band activity.
Step 2. Slowly hype up the fans with a teaser (ie. CM)
Step 3. And because this bands' activities are SO rare, anything will do. Therefore, take this chance to try out a new sort of style to refresh said band (ie. disco)
Step 4. Release a ridiculous-full-of-obvious-crack PV preview to the public.
Step 5. Let the fans have at it.
Johnny knows things. His plans never fail.
I can't deny that I'm super hyped for this, because NEWS is obviously having fun with this, as well as putting in their own sort of flavor into it.
I LOVE: Koyama's sexiness. Yamapi's hair. Shige's weird faces/close-ups. Yamapi smacking his ass. Everyone's style: suits=yes! Yamapi popping gum. Ryo being himself. Tegoshi's fail at sexiness. Massu with a girl. Lack of dancing coordination:) And just the pure 'shinjirarenai!' quality of the song:D
And this is just my commentary (in italics) on the recent Wink Up 10 Questions article, translated by
tellytelly :)
Please note that she also said she had difficulties translating some of it, so if you have better knowledge of what they're actually saying, please let me know, thanks:)
8. Among the members, who do you think would be ok/good as your daughter's husband?
Pi: 風間俊太 Kazama Shunsuke *see side note below*
Koyama: Yamapi!
Ryo: there isn't Hm, I wonder why
Shige: Yamashita-kun
Massu: absolutely nobody, no way Wow, really? Such a strong reaction. Again, I wonder why
Tegoshi: mm...Ryo kun!!
9. Which song from NEWS is suitable for a beginning of school year ceremony?
Pi: Kibou~ Yell~
Koyama: Kibou~Yell~
Ryo: Hoshi wo Mezashite , 人それぞれやけど --> it can bring out the spirits in each person (? )
Shige: Kibou~Yell~
Massu: Kibou~Yell~
Tegoshi: NEWS Nippon
Wow, everyone is so gung-ho about "Kibou~Yell~" I picked this question out because Ryo answered differently, and with one of my favorite NEWS songs:P (Yes, I know Tegoshi answered differently too, but that's not my fav. song:P) I don't know why, this might be silly to some people, but just by the mere coincidence that Ryo picked "Hoshi wo Mezashite" makes me really happy. And that is why I love him so much :D
Extra: Pi's message board this month.
To Kazama kun,
Without my knowing, I've selfishly became a member of NEWS, but it's not just me saying it, in the eyes of the readers of Winkup, I've also become a member of NEWS.
Now, here, I didn't quite understand what was being translated. I would think that Yamapi would be apologizing for rashly grouping Kazama into NEWS in that previous question, but the way it's translated is that Yamapi's apologizing for having joined NEWS...?? Which is also understandable, because 4Tops was amazing, but...what's the context of this really?
I don't know. Maybe I'm just confusing myself, and it's translated properly:P
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4 TOPS baby!!! ♥
I'm in love with this song:) I especially love the part at 1:40 :P (Is that Taka M. at 2:37?)
Now that I think about it, I really wish they would've debuted...but I wish that for a lot of things. Like Shoon and Taiyou<3
I wasn't around fandom during this time...but I wonder how 3TOPS reacted to having Yamapi join. I know some people really resent him for intruding and saying stuff like "oh he's just all hype and no talent," but what really happened guys? I'll have to research it sometime:P
Speculating what would have happened is hard, because there are so many possibilities in Johnny's:D
So, I definitely just finished "Maou," and the last scene did not satisfy me. The ending, in terms of plot, was perfect, because it could not have ended any other way, but the last scene was just. not. enough.
And honestly, I wanted both to go on and live separate lives, happily. Naruse would be with Shiori, and Serizawa would just start over somewhere else.
GUH! I thoroughly enjoyed the angst and mystery of it all. Especially with the supernatural aspect of it with Shiori. SHE IS SO CUTE!! :D
Is it me, or was the last scene with Naruse leaning on Serizawa's shoulder, really hawt? I think it was highly poetic and tragic, and SO AMAZING!
I wouldn't call it my fav. drama, but it was definitely worth the watch. Now, I'm considering watching "Uta no Oniisan," just to see what Ohno can do. His face was perfect for this dark role in "Maou," but I don't know how he could change that face for something so happy and goofy as UnO. Plus, I simply just love "Kumori Noshi, Kaisei," so this might be good;) Oh, and of course I can't forget Maruyama<3
And finally, I have some good news in school life, sort of:P
Today, my group in Research Methods turned in our Introductions and Results section of our 'in-class' experiment, and she basically said she hated us, because there seemed to be little wrong with it:D
Now, she said she hated us, because she was trying to pinpoint mistakes from everyone's intros so we could learn from it, and I suppose our group was just really precise:)
I'm glad we got decent feedback on this, because our Methods part was kind of bad:)
And I also had my Research Proposal meeting with that same professor and she mentioned it in class today. "If you're using deception in your experiment, your proposal needs to be reviewed by the IRB, etc."
And then she's like, "Anna is deceiving people all up and down the street!" I tried to hide my laughter, but it's true:P But, I swear it's for a good purpose:P
And then she's like, "She's gonna need help with her study, because she's gonna have a hard time holding back her smile:P"
Thanks, Dr. Blum:D
I've mentioned this before, I have to keep up a good impression with her, because she's not only my teacher for this class, but she's my advisor. And if I plan on applying to grad. schools, she'll be writing up one of my recommendations:P
Anyways, wanted to rant about stuffz, because I've been feeling stressed, and it was like the-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel kind of day:D