Yuletide Letter (2014)

Oct 24, 2014 22:34

Dearest Yuletide Author,
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my thoughts/semi-prompts and writing something wonderful for me. I know it can be nerve-wracking to write for someone else, especially about something that they are undoubtedly passionate about, but me, being in the same boat, would like to put your mind at ease a little; I am going to love whatever you write for me and know it will be amazing ♥

Here are just a few things I've thought about the media I've requested and perhaps some prompts to get you started. Feel free to disregard what I've written here and run with whatever plot bunnies come along.
I've copied and pasted some of the info from previous letters, but check out my Yuletide tag if you find that it'll be helpful :)

In general...
  • I just want to see the characters in these beloved movies/shows back in action :D
  • I love insight into characters, expounding on a minor detail that ends up being a main reason why the character acts the way they do.
  • If we're talking about science fiction, I like to see scientific stuff/jargon thrown in.
  • Existential angst and psychology are always good things, though perhaps lighter on the angst if possible ^^
  • I am a shipper at heart, so any cute-romantic interactions you can throw in between characters that are compatible will be well-received :)
There is something about this movie that is haunting, beautiful, and gets to me. There is such an existential core to it -what does it mean to be alive and who decides if we survive?
I love ensemble cast stories and this definitely fits the bill. I love love love the way they all work with each other and have their own way of fitting into the story. I would love to see your take on their daily routines on the ship as they inched towards the sun. How did they keep from going stir crazy? What could possibly entertain you for 3 years? What kinds of relationship formed and how did that happen? What were pre-flight procedures? Maybe you'd like to add an AU!component of how you'd like the story to have happened in the movie?

In terms of relationships -I'm more into the bromance of Mace/Capa, than the slash. I prefer to think of Capa and Cassie as having a sibling relationship and I still think Corazon and Kaneda had a thing together, but who knows? ;)

I love the trio, Nick, Cassie, and Kira, and I would love to see how their lives ended up after the movie. Did Nick and Kira meet up? Where does Cassie go now? Do they embark on another mission to free Cassie's mom and everyone else in that facility? But it doesn't have to be specific either, could just be interactions :)
I'm kind of a Nick/Cassie shipper even though their age differences can be squicky; I tend to only ship them once Cassie is of legal adult age ^^;

Here's a little something I saw from last year that really piqued my interest- a prompt provided by

dreamiflame :
"If you want a crossover/fusion idea, I find it interesting that Nick [Chris Evans] and Hook Waters' [Cliff Curtis) actors both play characters in Sunshine, along with a character named Cassie [Dakota Fanning and Rose Bryne] who accurately predicts the future at one point, and a kick-ass Asian lady. Just food for thought."

If you are someone who knows both universes and would like to write this, I would love you forever *___*
Buuuuut, if you don't, I will still love you ;)

Edge of Tomorrow
I am interested in Rita and Cage's relationship -during the battle, any quiet moments while they were traveling that we didn't get to see, what it was like seeing her in the same (yet possibly different) variations of Rita each time he reset...
What is Rita's back story -what was some of the stuff she went through and who was the guy she lost?
What are you thoughts on the Mimics -why are they here, what else do we not know about them? I'm particularly interested in their power of resetting time so that they know how to win each battle...what if, by resetting time at the end of the movie, another Omega situated itself elsewhere? How could they defeat them this time around?

Mirae's Choice
The first moment I heard about this drama, I had great expectations of time traveling hijinks and seeing characters fall in love all over again with their intended partner...but that's not exactly what happened, lol. Rather than a story of rediscovering love, we ended up with angry!meddling!future!Mirae and that's not what I was looking for xD

In any case, I am a shipper of Mirae/Kim Shin and the following clip is kind of the turning point at which I fell for them as a couple. I know they have their faults and the future events were devastating, but I wonder if future!Mirae would just stop wanting to change the past for a moment, that she could still salvage and enjoy her future. And I know Se Joo seems to be the more viable choice, but I see him more as the best friend in this situation. In a way, I would like a fix-it!fic, where it's clear that Mirae chooses Kim Shin, but I'll leave that up to your interpretation. How would you like to have seen it gone down?

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My Love From Another Star
Another time-traveling story with not only fantasy, but also scifi elements! Some of my favorite parts were Do Min Joon's flashbacks of his past. I particularly loved his interactions with the young maiden/young Cheon Song Yi and wonder what it felt like for him to fall in love (seemingly for the first time). Perhaps you'd like to explore the past a bit more; what were some things that he had to learn for the first time? What kinds of objectives were his people trying to achieve by observing us before he got stranded?

The entire cast is made up of very interesting characters; I think the only people who I don't like as much are villian!Jae Kyung and rival!Se Mi. I would love to see just a regular day in their lives again -what other things that were a part of being a celebrity that Min Joon have to face?
There are so many questions and possibilities to run with, so I'll leave it up to you :)

Itazura na Kiss: Love in Tokyo
I have to admit, I'm here for the couple ^^ The other characters are great, but let's face it: the story is about these two falling in love.
Below is probably my favorite scene out of the entire series. It captures the core of Naoki and Kotoko's relationship; Naoki, struggling to be independent outside of his parents, always being practical and even-tempered, but his feelings run deep; Kotoko's feelings running even deeper, but always bubbling just beneath the surface where Naoki can see right through her. She overthinks and yet she can be realistic about her expectations -she's actually quite the strong young lady.

This is probably my favorite adaptation of the manga so far, and I would just love to see the characters in another typical day at the Irie household. Of course, I would prefer some shippery goodness, where Naoki is tsundere, acting cold, but is really looking out for Kotoko's best interest and cares deeply for her.
What are some of your favorite parts that you'd like to explore.

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j drama: itazura na kiss, yuletide, writing, sunshine, push, kdramas, edge of tomorrow, k drama: mirae's choice, k drama: love from another star, dramas, video, shippery goodness, k actress: yun eun hye, fanfiction, movie

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