DWA: Dating Agency Cyrano eps. 15-16 (final)

Nov 24, 2013 12:43

Episode 15
Isn’t it obvious to the Cyrano peeps that it’s the Hawaiin T-Shirt guy who’s got Min Young? Jeez, he even told you to remember his name a couple episodes ago.

That's a lot of pictures the show developed for these two episodes. I wonder what they did with them afterwards. It would've been cool to put them in the DVD boxsets as a surprise xD

Oh, isn't it nice how they are now solving a mystery, Sherlock? xD

And I’m kind of surprised they didn’t go to Master sooner to tell him, because he seems to be the type of capable person to get some people moving to find her.

WHHHAT?! Hye Ri does not look like the type of person to do that! :o
Hmmm...if you're dying, would you want the person you loved next to you or to try and hook them up with someone else so that they may be happy afterwards? I'd say, if they really cared for you, even if you're trying to be the noble idiot and not let them see you suffer, what about what they want? They probably want to see you as much as possible while you're still alive. And if they cared for you, they probably couldn't so easily be persuaded to fall for someone else so quickly.

I kind of like that they are revealing the truth to the targets, even though the situation sucks. Kind of shows that no matter how it started, the feelings can still be real…maybe?
And they decide now to bring a conscience to the series and what the agency is doing xD
Not to entirely excuse Cyrano's manipulative actions, but I kind of feel that if someone were not willing to feel one way towards another person, even their ploys wouldn't get them to fall in love anyway.
Which is to say, if a couple ended up together, it was partially their own decisions. That sounds bad, doesn't it? ^^;;; heh
But at the same time, I would also be angry to have been manipulated like that. That the other person didn't have any respect for my feelings or couldn't be straightforward and say something themselves.

Oh, I didn't realize Il Lok couldn't drive, not that he chose not to...

Episode 16
At first I was angry that Min Young didn't attempt to make noise when Master was calling out for her, but I think she was drugged so she couldn't really come to her senses. But...her eyes were open, so...?
Gah, call an ambulance for Master! :o

Awww, bromance x2! :D I love the friendship Moo Jin and Ah Rang have, as well as the gangster's loyalty to Master.

Dude, the painting outside the surgery room is creepy. Why would you put that in the waiting area? You would just end up imagining the person you're waiting for in that picture being operated on xD

Awww, I sense a new found bromance between Il Lok and Master :)

"How to Win by Losing," hmmmm.

Ah! The ending is like the movie's confession scene. It must be painful for Master to say these things, knowing that's not only how he himself felt, but also Il Lok's feelings. He's basically confessing by proxy xD
I'm glad Master has the sense to let her know this :)

It would be cool if Master became the new mastermind behind Cyrano, but then again, his passion is cooking, so that wouldn't make sense.

Oh jeez, that was the most abrupt set-up for a kiss ever. In front of someone too?! *shakes head*
lol, well, it's the end. I'm glad it's a happy one :D

I give this drama a solid 3 out of 5 stars. Even though it has its flaws and jumps around a bit, it was a good watch. Thanks for watching along with me!
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k drama: dating agency cyrano, drama watch along, dramas, love, kdramas, review

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