DWA: Dating Agency Cyrano eps. 7-8

Oct 27, 2013 20:07

Ahhh! Sorry today's post is so late! But here it is~

Episode 7
Continuing from last episode -poo, it was a ploy! Ohwell, I'm not rooting for Min Young with either of the leads lol.

LOL, those gangsters are awesome. "Fleece -don't they know that robbers work in summer too?" XD

As much as I love Kwangsoo, this is my least favorite episode so far. I really didn't have an interest in this set-up.

I like the heart-rate monitor/watch. lol trying to see if she's not interested in men at all xD Wow, I'm surprised Moo Jin can speak that much -so used to not hearing him speak. I'm also surprised the production team didn't add like sparks or a glow around his face when they played the angelic music.
I don't think I'd let anyone just grab my hand like that, no matter how handsome they are...

Ahahh, past trauma with men in the kitchen. I see...

"Thumb Brothers" LOL -I think they need to be involved more often. These guys crack me up. Good concept for a foodie blog actually.

Kwangsoo cracks me up with his literal swooping in, with dramatic hand movements and everything.
Dude, that seriously looked like it hurt when Kwangsoo lifted his arm up like that.

Ya know, I was watching a tv show on Food Network I think, about this security company who acts as mystery shoplifters for stores who have been experiencing loss, to stake out what their weak security areas are. One of the scenarios was the guy pretending to be a delivery person taking a product to send away and nobody stopped to make him identify himself.
Long story short -even though it seems unlikely that Ah Rang could just swoop in and deliver something into a kitchen like that, I could see it happening.

I had a hard time figuring out who this chef guy was and his relevance to the story at first. Anyone experience that?

Creepy customer staring at the cute!waitress. It seemed like an abrupt cut between storylines, though. One second I'm watching the stake-out and now randomly I'm supposed to remember Moo Jin's love line? lol

Master's face is always a cross between angry, plotting, and I'm not sure what facial expression. I can't really see him as being concerned -his face always seems :(

Wow, I've never seen a person say all those things like "why do I care about what happened to your past love life?" before, because usually, they may think that, but won't voice it. And I think it's an obvious answer. Min Young's questions are rhetorical, but still, duh xD

So is the ex-girl saying she chose Go Do Il (Master) by placing that in the letter??

What is Kwangsoo baking? Some sort of black bean pastry? Hmmmm...lol

Ok, she wipes the cream off his face and eats it herself? I don't think it's normal for someone who's not in a close relationship to do that O_o

I was afraid that he was gonna beat those eggs onto himself he was beating it so hard, lol.

OOOOH, maybe Go Do Il is not Master, but Master's brother!!! :o And he's angry with Il Lok, because he drove him to suicide or seclusion or something xD

Ahahha, those cliffhangers trying to throw me off. How are you gonna explain this one, Min Young?

Episode 8
Skipping the first 10 minutes of the episode, right into the 'break in' scene -"Isn't this a felony?" lol Oh, you guys are doing so many wrong things, but we'll overlook it since it's a drama xD

"When lightning strikes?" Hmmm...I suppose so, but that hasn't really happened to me before. I might find someone attractive, but it doesn't necessarily mean I like them.

I didn't know that variety shows had scripts for guests...that'd be hard, but I suppose there might also be a prompter to remind you of lines or where the topic should be going.

Ugh, this other chef is such a slimeball :(

Even if it's just a drama, I don't think it's right to make someone face something they're not ready to face. But I guess the good thing is that they had an outcome where she was justified.

Oh yay! Creepy girl with hair in her face! Do we finally have a girl client?

Why does Moo Jin sleep like that?! :o

Oooh, did Do Il's 'death' involve drowning?

Nice white pants! It's either a good or bad choice of wardrobe for the show xD

Oh dear, let the misunderstanding ensue. And I hope next two episodes are more interesting ^^;;;

k drama: dating agency cyrano, drama watch along, dramas, review

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