Welcome to DWA #7!
Nominations and voting results revealed that we will be watching Dating Agency Cyrano (DAC), which appears to be 4th in the series of "Flower Boy" dramas. DAC is also the drama adaptation of a movie, and I have actually seen that, but totally forgot what it's about. I look forward to watching this :)
This is the first time we have all agreed on one drama; go us! :Db
I think we'll stick to our routine of watching 2 episodes/week. At the end of each week, usually a Sunday afternoon, I will post in this journal marking which episode we'll be discussing. I will post some of my impressions to get us rolling.
Now, I know everyone's schedules vary, so feel free to come back whenever to comment. I would recommend tracking the post, so that you know when comments are posted.
To start you off, here's are some helpful links:
Watch on Youtube -though, I didn't check to see how many were actually on there ^^
DramaFever -if it is available in your country
AZN.TV -Streaming
d-addicts torrent -Not sure if it's hardsubbed, but it's a start ^^
Since it's already Thursday, let's go for next next week ('cause you know how long some of these episodes can be, especially in the beginning). I will see you Sunday, October 6th for episodes 1 and 2~ :D/