Flower Boy Next Door

Feb 18, 2013 13:29

I'm currently watching Flower Boy Next Door and it's one of those dramas where I'd like to DWA it, because it's bringing up interesting questions about shutting the world out after being hurt, and how do you show someone you love them? By changing them for (what you think is) the better, or loving them the way they are and potentially missing out on growth.

I'm personally conflicted about it, because while I think it's important to love someone for who they are, I also believe that you should challenge each other to become better people.
But I'm getting ahead of myself ^^

So, I was first intrigued by this drama because I adore Park Shin Hye and combining her with 'flower boys' was going to be fun. I hadn't even paid attention to the promo stuff, but then the Amuse comm. was promoting it and come to find out, Mizuta Kouki was going to be in it!! He reminds me of Koyama ^^ ♥ And I've heard him referred to as the Japanese Lee Minho. See?

In any case, it got me even more excited for it. I wasn't expecting too much in terms of meaty story, because my other experience with the flower boy series, Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, was cracky and perhaps, shallow, lol.

Upon watching the first two episodes, I was hooked, thanks to this guy, Enrique Guem, and his craziness.

Yes, there is crack, but it makes sense for the character, and it's not too much.
He's an energetic guy who might be a little eccentric and goofy, but underneath is a caring heart. He goes freely with the situation, like bulldozing head first into other's lives, but isn't afraid to change directions when he realizes he's wrong or misunderstood something. Even though he's asking Dok Mi (Park's character who has been living like a hermit due to past high school hurt and spying into the apartment across the street, which is how they end up meeting) to come out into the world again, he's not pushing her out due to bad intentions, but because he believes that she's capable of it and is time for her.

But then comes my dilemma, because who is to say that she is ready, even if she says she wants to? There's this other guy, Oh Jin Rak, who's been supporting her quietly as her neighbor and wants her to be comfortable just the way she is -he doesn't want to rock the boat, because she's fragile. Maybe that's not entirely true too, but he doesn't like how Enrique has disrupted her world.
Usually dramas tell you who is canon OTP, and in a way, this one does too, but I think they've evened out the playing field quiet a bit.

The two other flower boys are Dong Hoon (who was Hiraoka Yuta's counterpart in K-ProDai) and Watanabe Ryu (Kouki). Dong Hoon is Jin Rak's roommate and they are webtoon artists, while Watanabe moved to Korea recently to learn Korean cooking. I like that this drama has a pretty cast, but unlike before, where they blatantly show off the boys, and putting sparkly visual effects around them, it's more subtle, lol. The only time they've flaunted their flower boy status is here:

Also, I love sweater vests, lol xD Hearing Kouki use Korean is also squee-worthy ^^

In between the protagonist's struggles, there are side story lines involving her ex-best friend, who causes some of her pain, and the webtoon artists struggling to keep their viewers, and Enrique's brother and best friend's relationship.

Yes, I think being overly nice can be a problem (I have experienced this myself), but it's interesting to think of experiencing the world as 'immunity' towards the harshness. Like a flu shot or something xD I suppose you need to react to the world accordingly, and if you haven't had some experience with it, it can be overwhelming. I get that *nods*

I don't blame Dok Mi for shutting herself in, because sometimes, I want to do that too, but I don't think her reasons to stay away from the world are beneficial to keep forever. Yes, we've all been hurt by people we thought cared about us, and high school bullying can be severe trauma, but there comes a time when you have to show them that you're better than the lies they've told about you. Plus, if you hide away forever, you miss out on meeting new, cool, people who really do care.
The show is ending next week. I wonder what will happen?

The drama balances the humor, the light-heartedness, melodrama, and real thoughtfulness, which makes for a good watch :)

k drama: flower boy next door, k actor: lee minho, j actor: mizuta kouki, k actress: park shin hye, love, kdramas, review

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