Doer of Darkness Letter

Sep 27, 2011 11:31

Dearest author,
thank you for taking the time to read this :)
I am very easily pleased so no need to worry (if you are at all). I hope the following ideas of what I had in mind will help you, maybe as prompts, but if it's nothing like what you had in mind, have at it :Db

Bloody Monday
I would just like to say that I've never read the manga, so I basically only know the drama canon. Season 2 was really lacking in Fujimaru/Otoya friendship, so a glimpse of that bond would be nice in any capacity. I also feel like Otoya would fall for Haruka after everything they've been through, so anything about their relationship would be cool too. And if you feel like you want to write something action packed, I'm all for it :)

City Hunter
This drama was brilliant and I just want a glimpse of that world again, whether it's action packed vigilante crime-fighting or continuing the banter between Ahjussi and Yun Sung. Anything about Yun Sung's relationship with Nana would be amazing! Perhaps a 5-years-later future fic? Anything from this universe would make me happy :)

Keisoku: SPEC
What a superb drama, so unlike anything I've seen before. I am a shipper at heart, so anything about Toma and Chii's relationship would be awesome. Perhaps more development with their past, as well as with Ninomae/Youta. Banter between Toma and Sebumi is always appreciated, or anything to do with the supernatural. Basically, this mirrors my City Hunter request in that anything from this universe would truly make me thrilled.

j drama: bloody monday, j drama: keizoku 2:spec, yuletide, fanfiction

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