So, I'm really enjoying Hana Kimi 2011.
I think if people gave it a chance, past the first episode at least, they'll find it enjoyable. In addition to what I said last time, I'm kind of glad they kept the main instrumentals, because I like them and they really bring out the emotions of the scene. Also, I think the one thing I like about Maeda over Maki is that Maeda's smile is much more genuine.
In this scene, I could really sense Sano beginning to fall for her. He's giving a meaningful look, kind of like, 'I want to try my best for her, just so I can see that smile.'
OMG, Nanba's portion of the story T_T I loved that it had equal parts humor and equal parts seriousness. I think Renn pulled it off well ♥
Come to think of it, don't they look alike? They chose a good pair of actors ;)
And another tribute to Renn's hands. Look at his evil laugh and the way he pushes that button :9
There really is a 'I love Renn's hands' club at
rennaday, lol.
I also watched the first episode of Ouran Host Club and to my surprise, it's not bad at all! It was a little hard getting used to Yusuke's kirakira!Tamaki, but a couple minutes of acclimation, and voila! I'm hooked :) I think Yusuke plays hopeless in love really well, in anything. Those pouts and puppy dog eyes of his remind me of Tumbling too. That heart thumping out of his chest was really creepy when translated on live-action screen. It was abnormally pink...and just weird O_o
I think the cast holds great resemblance to the anime (OMG Daito with that crooked smile and his glasses *__*). I was apprehensive about Yudai's Honey, because even though he's cute, he's not exactly small. But the show managed to make him seem that way with CGI, which is fine. Masaya is indeed tall, so they didn't really need to use that much CGI xD
Overall, I'm looking forward to it.
Previously, I said BOSS 2 lacked some of its luster from Season 1, but episodes 7 and 8 blew me away! I really loved ep.7, because we got character development! We got to see the beginnings of the original team and even paid homage to Kimoto, who wasn't there ^^
The best part of the show is the bond between teammates and they played this up. Man, for a second, I really believed the worse had happened, and it's the first time I thought the criminal got the upperhand. I love the part where Nodate explains why he chose each member, and even though he was somewhat bashing Hanagata for being naive, he chose him for a reason ♥
I also loved that we got more back story for Nodate and Eriko, and sets up the hand signal for later purpose ;)
Ep.8 was amazing because of creepy necrophiliac!Tanihara-san XD
I particularly liked his explanation about how carbon monoxide gives the victim a nice blush when they've passed....uh....hella creepy, but Tanihara's portrayal was awesome >.>
I was so into this episode to the point where I actually thought he could kill her...but of course, she's got it covered ;) I should've known there was no way she'd be interested in a guy like him...
(LOL, now my Internet cache has "carbon monoxide rosy cheeks," "necrophilia," and "potassium chloride" in my search history -the latter was from my rewatch of Bloody Monday 2 -so if anyone were to hack my IP address or whatever, they'd be a little concerned xDDDD I swear, they're all related to dramas).
The one thing I didn't really enjoy about this season was Tadokoro. It was kind of difficult for me to really care about her, even though she helped the team in her own mysterious nonchalant ways. I think they redeemed her character in the end, but meh. I also think the finale could have ended better with one twist rather than three.
In any case, I think dramas like BOSS work, because like SPEC, you don’t hear the explanations until after they’ve done it. Usually, dramas will guide you along with what the characters do to solve it, but BOSS 2's type of plot execution works because they realize the answers before we do. Well, the audience usually knows who the culprit is, but it’s kinda fun trying to figure out how they did it. Even though we know the case is going to get solved at the end, the characters still make it fun and worth watching.
In other news, I think it's about time to make a new banner for myself since I've had the NEWS one for a full year! I might revamp my writing journal too.
Also, due to recent (and more frequent) LJ outages, I still have one more Dreamwidth invite to offer up ;)
And if you decide you want one (or more) at a later time, there's also
dw_codesharing :Db