I don't know what's gotten into me lately, but I haven't posted or watched a whole lot of stuff. I think it's because I'm feeling the 3-class semester, but also because I'm translating blogs and marathoning through the first season of Criminal Minds ;)
Um...let's see. AAA's new song, "Daiji na Koto," is AWESOME! I saw some comments about how the chorus has weird mixing and is awful, BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
It's not awful mixing you guys, it's called a harmony. They sound like they're clashing, but in fact, it's so pure. Like...I don't even know how to describe it. The chorus makes the song. I could do without the rap, but then Hidaka would be out of a job XD
I really wish he would sing more, because his voice is good!
Shinjiro's voice is almost akin to Shige's; it's sorta raspy and can't really go that far out of a low-ish range. I really like Shuta's voice, and I think the boys need another "guys only" album :)
Also, while Misako has an excellent Soprano range, sometimes she gets really nasally :( I adore Chiaki's though, because she complement's Misako's whiny!highs with her lows. Nissy and Naoya are, as always, the vocal powerhouses and they did not disappoint. The story de notes were...WOW ♥
I love the clarity of those notes; there's no vibrato or anything. It pierces right through you -AMAZING.
The end of the song is something unconventional, I think. It ends with the bridge between verses and chorus...has anyone else seen that done before? It has a weird effect, but it also works somehow...hm.
Wow, I only planned on writing a sentence about that song. Ohwell, tehhe ^^
I've been thinking lately, if I am capable of translating something, why don't I work for JE fandom, ya know, translating scans and what not....?
Well, the reason is, I'm still not very good at it XD
Celebrity blogs come in small packages, so I can easily maneuver my way through it using rikaichan and Google. Scans are a different story, especially when you can't recognize the word and have to reconstruct it. Not only that, but there are far more people who are capable in JE fandom versus that in tokusatsu, or wherever. (Unless, I just don't know where to find them XD) And, I really want to sub things badly, but I'm still working on my listening comprehension. I still make mistakes, but I'm learning every day :)