NEWS is Home ♥

Jan 10, 2011 18:11

Thanks to rockthecliche for the DVD rip. Here are my, possibly incoherent, thoughts on my second watch-through of LIVE!LIVE!LIVE!:

First of all, everyone is super giddy and hyper in this. Ryo was not as genki, but to his defense, he was probably tired from 8UPPERS. Everyone's all smiley and really into the dance moves. PLUS, they were all mostly on key. Hearing the vocally weak members of the group do so well made me happy! And hearing Tegoshi and Massu sing is always a pleasure.
The falsettos, guys, omg, aldfjlafj, YES!
Also, kudos to cameramen, production, and editing staff, because this concert was very well made. The camera work is superb, and they caught all the important moments. A++++

Anyways, since I've been on a translating kick, I was curious if I could figure out what the giant screen said before the concert official began. I've tried my best to get the actual words, because English doesn't quite give justice to the meaning behind the Japanese.

増田貴久:今日会えるのを楽しみにしています。皆で笑顔がたくさんの素敵な時間を作りましょうね。春夏秋冬いつの季節もYouと一緒 ♥
Massu: I've been looking forward to being here today. Let's make this a wonderful experience, with lots of smiles. Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter -no matter the season, you and us, together ♥

Shige: Spring, the season of beautiful Sakura. Here, we also have the pink petals. Please follow us always. Our emotions that bloom into flowers.
(I'm sure it's much more poetic than I make it sound XD)

Tegoshi: Even though summer's already over, our love is hotter than summer, ne? Today, let's have a hot, hot, time together!!!

Ryo: Spending time with everyone in this Fall season makes me really happy.

山下智久:冬、まだいないこの季節。今日、この日を00として僕らNEWSはまだ見えない未来の星をめざします。 I hope you enjoy tonight.
Yamapi: Winter is not yet here. Today,...we, as NEWS, will aim for the stars, in an unknown future. I hope you enjoy tonight.
(It's possible that my grammar is bad and he meant, "We, as NEWS, will aim for the future stars we have yet to see").

Koyama: As the seasons revolve during this concert, let's make wonderful memories out of tonight.

I thought everyone's messages were quite nice. Of course, Tegoshi had to go the Ero way :P I couldn't get the two Kanji in Yamapi's message :/
Koyama is beautiful and caring as always.

The one song that left the biggest impression on me was "Danc'in The Secret."

When I first heard this song, I knew I would like it much more when I saw the performance. It's the same with "Ai no Matador." I now associate the intensely sexy choreography with the song, so I'll be having that on repeat now :)
Koyama's dancing is really good. It's all that long legs and beautiful hands that make it work. He looks so cool doing it *_*
I love the choreography before the second verse, because it's like red-fire, and there's three beats, and Koyama thrusts open his jacket along to the beat. It's so great!

I also came to realize that Tegoshi is not just a pretty-looking guy, he's sexy when he really gets down to business.
Uh...I mean, singing wise XD
Especially when his voice got real hoarse in the "Danc'in The Secret" bridge. OMG aldjfaldjfkdj :9

Nothing will ever beat the Unplugged version of "Summer Time," but seeing in this concert was really nice.
"Hitori jime" ;)

I adore "Endless Summer" and it was nice to see it performed. I particularly loved the shadows effect on the balloons :)

I love how Massu's totally into the fanservice this time around. And I love that Ryo's pretending pushing him away XD

Ah! Yamapi, you can't get away. And he lets Shige hug him ^^

I have never seen Massu take part in fanservice like he has.
As Tara has said, he must have drunken pimp juice XD

"Iitai Dake" is AMAZING as everyone has already said.
I adore the Armageddon Pteradon and Machu Pichu w/ Pichu, and of course, they put in the ramen line for Koyama :P
I especially love the last verse where they switch it up and sing "shiritai, aitai, ikitai" in place of "iitai" :)

Koyama's smiling face is so contagious and beautiful and ;AKLDJF;ALJF ♥
OMG, and Shige and his faces. His "kami da" was so epic!

Koyama is too adorable for his own good *squishes*

I remember suggesting to Tara that NEWS should make bandaids, lol. Becaues then they could kiss our boo boos away XD
It's related to this picture, because I thought they looked like bandaids.

"DTF" Do The Fool was certainly full of foolishness, lol.

And once again, we have Ryo resisting Massu :P

Massu's like, "You better watch your back, son."

The encore of "Koi no ABO" was interesting...

Some subtle RyoShige :)

I like "Umareshi Kimi E," "BE FUNKY!" and "LIVE" much more after I've seen them performed :) Especially since Yamapi was practically head banging with the music near the end of those songs, and everyone was just really into the dance moves.

Ryo's acoustic version of "Code" was nice, not much to say there.

"Naiyou no Nai Tegami" is one of my favorite songs from this album. And come to find out, it was written by Hilcryhme; no wonder I like it ^^
The lyrics are a little hard to follow, because some of the syllables of words flow into the next line, which happens sometimes, but I still like the song a lot:)

I know Ryo's voice fails him after a while, but I never quite noticed how he would sneak his way out of singing by making the audience sing. It's actually quite a trick, because it's fanservice in a way ;)

When it comes to being a Leader, some people may see Yamapi as just being a face and name that brings along a big reputation, but his leadership really shows during concerts. While Koyama takes the MC and mama-role, and Ryo takes the strict papa role, Yamapi is truly NEWS' leader through and through. At the beginning of the concert, he says to the fans, "Forget your worries; we're going to have an awesome time here." And at the end, he asks the crowd if they had successfully forgotten the bad things of their day...and I thought that was just really awesome of him.

I absolutely have never once thought that Yamapi wanted to leave NEWS since announcing his solo work. I think that's Johnny's thing -"YOU, go do more stuff." I'm sure Yamapi enjoys it, but I don't think he would ever deliberately want to hurt his members or the fans. He was SO into this concert, even when he could just as easily take a lessor role, like Ryo can sometimes do when he's too busy with K8, but he didn't. I am biased, but hey, those are my honest opinions.

I really enjoyed the backstage footage. I love watching them learn the dance moves and get involved in the production of their own concert. Even though it's sort of mundane in a way, I like that we get to see 'everyday Yamapi' or whoever, ya know?
lol, cute.

tehhe ^^

Massu's awkward laugh! ♥

OMG, Koyama is a sneaky bastard. I love it! muahahah! :P

Tara and I both noticed his semi see-through towel. He's got a nice butt ;)

And OMG, poor boy *HUGS* He was so brave for his fans ♥♥♥

"Somehow, I kept saying to myself, ‘Kei-chan ganbatte.’ If I had done this during rehearsals, I really would have panicked. But because the fans were there, I could endure it."
It's those secret exchanges and smiles that let us see that they're really enjoying themselves.

This boy, he shines ♥

And YES x ∞
NEWS is home ♥

kato shigeaki, yamashita tomohisa, masuda takahisa, tegoshi yuya, news, tegomass, koyama keiichiro, nishikido ryo, picspam, love, music, je

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