Baby, baby ♫

Oct 23, 2010 22:23

I volunteered at an Olympic challenge today for some youth and while I was doing that, I was also 'baby-sitting' for my co-worker's 2-year-old. He is the cutest baby EVER. I've always been the type to flail around babies, like, I'm awkward and don't know what to do with them to keep them entertained and not cry, but baby and I got along just fine :)

Needless to say, I was pooped when I got home, so I took a nap and waited for 8UPPERS to load, and A;KLSDJG;LJFHPAK it's sooooo cuteee!!!!!!! :D
Everyone in suits and kicking ass is hot and all, but I find cuteness even hotter, and cute totally wins out here.
Whoever came up with the idea of pachi-uppers is a genius. The pun is so great!
Cinematography and direction and acting is SUPERB! The interactions with each other and the baby are too adorable and fun, and I loved it! What sticks in my mind most is that the baby is such a symbol of their hard work. Eito is truly their baby; they made a family out of seven men, they laugh and cry through it, and when it's time to go home, the memories will stay with them forever ♥

Oriental Surfer
Starting the album off with the 8UPPERS preview instrumental theme, which turns out to be the real intro anyways ;)
I uploaded this album right before I headed off to work my 10pm-6am shift (which is mostly fun, because I like putting clearance stickers on things and I get to wear jeans to work :) ), so I didn’t have a chance to really listen to all of the songs.
This one came on and I was like “OH!” It woke me up quite a bit, because it brought back images of the actual preview, and just made me giddy ^^ The title totally suits the track and it’s the perfect opener.
As ginzarhapsody has mentioned in her own review of this album, some songs are very unlike Kanjani8’s usual sound, but they are still lovely. The music was definitely conceptualized with the movie in mind, which makes it even better.

Before I saw the movie, I read spoilers on why the baby was there. This gave the songs a new meaning. Some of these slower songs feel like a lullaby for the baby, and the beauty of it, is that it doesn’t have to be.
I adore the beginning with Yoko and the spilt jellybeans; that image is so clear and unique to me. I think the idea of a monogram is also really cool in terms of two people meeting/colliding and forming one unit. Musically, it’s a good tune, not too soft and not too slow.

泣かないで 僕のミュージック
I love this title. I keep thinking of the baby and *squees* It makes me think of a music box ^^
I love the ‘spastic’ guitar chords in this; I don’t know how to explain it, but yea. I also love the drums in this, because they sound like the ones Hina used in the SCP version of "Eden." I love the second line with Yassu singing “kimi wa iu no kai?” The chord right there is the perfect range for Yassu’s voice and it’s just catchy :)
I also love Ryo’s line, “kokoro de umareru merodi,” because a melody from the heart is lovely.
I think it was the right piece to end on, because it's like "don't cry babbiii<3" The family portrait is so distinctly-dysfunctionally them ♥

I kept seeing spoilers and screencaps on tumblr with 8UPPERS and one stuck out in particular.
In the making-of, Ryo's trying to hold the baby and he starts crying. He's like "Ehhh, doushite? Ore akan? Ore kirai?" *pouts at baby* "Mou yamete~~~"
Ryo, you fail ♥

Seeing the baby fall asleep in Okura's arms was cavity-inducing. Also, Yassu and his embroidering and motherly skills *squishes*
Maru/Hina/Yoko make for great scenes, both kicking ass and trying to shop for the baby ^^

Baby Baby
My favorite track! I love how the electric guitar sounds in this. There's an interesting sound during the chords right before the chorus and it reminds me of a xylophone. Seeing as it's a baby/kid's toy, it would make sense (if it were) and it is perfectly incorporated into the song. This song grabbed my heart as soon as I heard the first verse, because I have a thing for repetitive lines like "tooku tooku tsuzuku kono michi ha..."
There's just something about this song that really gets to me~
I like how and when they used this in the movie, because it's when Arsenal's perspective changes and the beautiful, candid, scenes where they make the hand prints. It makes Subaru's opening extremely appropriate and touching <3
Though, when he lifted the baby up into the sky, I seriously yelled out "Lion King!" XD

LIFE ~目の前の向こうへ~
The PV for this was excellent! I especially love the "motto ganbatte ganbatte," because that's encouraging to hear ;)

Instrumental kicks you into high gear!

Initially, I wasn’t real into this song, but then it started reminding me of Okura’s “kitto shiawase ga kimi wo matteru,” and the tone from that video and I started loving it. It’s got some interesting sharp and minor keys and chords in really effective parts. It’s kind of bluesy, yet hopeful at times; I think it matches the title well. I love love love everyone’s falsettos!!! Best thing about this song.

For a melody that’s supposed to be sentimental, the sound isn’t so. It’s not soft or slow, it’s more of Kanjani8’s trademark trumpets and drums, at least that’s how I hear it ^^ The chorus is real catchy.

Wonderful World!!
We’ve had this song for several months now and I’ll admit that it’s not one of my favorites out of their singles. The PV is great fun though, so I gotta love it for that ;)

I like how they used this instrumental in the supermarket, lol. I was half expecting Toppo to start breaking out into TOPOP XD

This song doesn't particularly stand out to me. I haven't read the lyrics, but once I can get my hands on them, they might change my mind. It's just a nice, genki tune :)

This fits their yakuza image and it's got that jazzy, bluesy, feel to it. I, surprisingly, really like it and reminds me of their older songs ;)

I wonder if they started conceptualizing 8UPPERS even when this single was planned...everyone's in snazzy suits, and then we obviously see the Volks Wagon from "Wonderful World" in the movie.
This grew on me, just like "Musekinin Hero" had to. Initially, I was like ":/ this is not what I want," but after a bit, I totally got into it :D
Gotta love Maru's "shubidoobidootdootdooo~"

『って!!!!!!!』 (from the other CD)
This is my second favorite. I love the use of "tte" and the words that end in it and it's just a fun poppy piece :)
I love the ending "You are my everything" :D
edit: Just found out that Yassu and Okura wrote, AMAZING!

Ok, so out of all the solos, my favorites are in this order:
TOPOP, トリックスター, Kick, Dear..., きっと幸せがキミを待ってる, monologue, Revolver.

Surprisingly, I haven't properly listened to "monologue" yet. I don't know why, but the song didn't catch me. I love the PV, just because a brooding Ryo is always great...but the song. It needs more time XD

Not surprisingly, "Revolver" is my least favorite, because I feel like Subaru is screaming. I loved "words," but this is beyond anything I can listen to more than once, sorry :/
Though, I will say, I adore Subaru in this production, definitely see him in a new light :)

I was expecting something different from Okura, but "kitto..." is lovely in its own right. And "dear..." stole my heart as soon as I heard Hina singing and dancing; he's improved so much! Maru's "kick" was unexpected, yet catchy and kickass (pun intended) ;)
Yoko's "trickster" fits everything about him, that sly dog ;) It also fits his vocal range nicely (I kept thinking back on Yukan Club for some reason ^^). TOPOP is so much fun! Hearing Yassu say "peace" makes me giggle ♥

Kanjani8 + baby is the best fucking idea ever. It made my life. Japan wins :P

love, review, movies, work, kanjani8, music

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