from today's twitter

Nov 27, 2009 16:02

  • 19:33 Go Cowboys! #
  • 20:40 RT @MeanRachel: My mom: "if you don't learn how to play an instrument, you'll spend the rest of your life staring at a screen." #
  • 22:21 @ mykidneys I'd like one! #
  • 22:21 @ dollyallison You celebrated real Thanksgiving in Canada?? #
  • 22:23 Shared a beautiful Thanksgiving with my family and friends. Wouldn't have it any other way. #
  • 22:26 Also, I quit my job yesterday. Sad, but it was the right decision for me. Currently exploring a new opportunity. Will keep you updated. #
  • 13:43 @ mykidneys intothesea - thank you! #
  • 13:44 @ dollyallison God bless America! #
  • 13:49 @ mykidneys I think I'll be successful at buying nothing today! #
  • 15:51 Does anyone have the old Sims game for PC? I want to build a mansion with unlimited rosebud dollars! #
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