
Nov 20, 2005 13:01

Charles invited me to go home with him and his family for Christmas.
I thanked him, but will decline.
Nice as the thought is, it'd be akward for me and I don't know. I think I'd rather spend it alone anyhow.

Get internet installed tomorrow, however, the fuckers changed the installment time from two to five PM to eight to eleven AM. Yeah, cause that's alright with my schedule. Not like, you know, I abide by the clock or anything. I was a little pissed.

I've been reading for most of my spare time, completed a couple of books, reread a few others. Still working on about six. At some point, I'll probably start stealing lines and posting them. Cause there's some really nice ones I've recently read.

Started drinking coffee. Well, more like drinking sugar with coffee for flavouring, but you know what I mean. Two cups jolts my system in a most fucked up way. It still tastes like swill in my opinion, but it's swill that keeps me awake in class, along with the push-ups. I do more sets in a day now than I care to count.

Oh, last night, did seven hours of volunteer work for the theatre. Kids were coming to see Santa, cause their father's were back from deployment, like, most of them, so it was a good time to set it up. Passed out fliers, helped set up and clean up everything, ate subway(mmm... sammich), flirted a bit with a couple of chief's daughters, helped the Navy band set up and pack up, got stalked by some kid in a mouse suit. Yeah, one of the BESS students kept following me, and grinning at me from behind his mask's eyes. He was really creeping me the fuck out.
And for some fucking reason, my phone kept being called. All of a sudden, people want to call me, which is cool, but I never have time to answer, talk, or even carry the fucker on me. I have this feeling if I start carrying it again, I won't get a single call. Wouldn't that figure?

I don't know if I mentioned this, but on the weekends, I'm learning how to cook.
So far I've learned that beef is good to play with. Soup is not. Mushrooms, greenbeans, beef, spices all of kinds, onions, and oil don't make for more than drowned beef chunks and veggies.
However, the rest I played with, oh man, it was so good, it hurt. And I'm not kidding.
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