What kind of toothpaste do you use?
What's your favorite song to play on Guitar Hero?
crazy on me by heart, probably. or yyz by rush.
What kind of phone do you have?
blackberry curve
Favorite perfume/cologne?
'inner grace' by philosophy
Something you like about the room you're in?
the views
What's your favorite restaurant?
maya, in cville. here? ha. probably shake shack.
What's the coolest thing you got for Christmas last year?
200 dollars from my brother.
What do you smell right now?
cold air
How was your day?
good, despite the fact that i couldn't afford the most beautiful dress in the world. fuck you phillip lim.
When do you clean?
often. when things get too dirty.
Most used hair product?
Something you wish you had the money for?
yeah, lee's right. travel.
What kind of gum do you chew?
What's the next thing you will eat?
not sure.
How about the next thing you will watch?
probably that youtube video of a baby bunny eating a dandelion. fuck.
What was the last thing you plugged in to the wall, computer, etc?
What's the best white object in your presence?
new skirt even if it ain't flatterin
What are you gonna do tomorrow?
crazy amount of studying, unfortunately. or at least that's what i say. and then some brooklyn antics?
What was the last thing you broke/spilled/knocked over?
i break lots of things.
When are you going to sleep?
depends on if we're making these brooklyn antics start a night early.
What's the most random thing in your room?
"never trust robots"
What's the next thing you're going to spend money on?
more drugs
What was the last thing you laughed about?
me and mira being ridiculous
Do you miss any old friends?
Where would you like to get married?
never really given much though to that.
What was the last store you were in?
Why were you there?
a silly dress and a silly skirt.
Are your neighbors disturbing in any way?
they're annoying.
When was the last time you skipped a class/day of school?
Do you know anyone with green eyes?
yeah. though they're not coming readily to mind.
What commercial on tv annoys you the most?
dont watch tv on a tv, so it doesn't matter
Besides medicine, what makes you feel better when you're sick?
whining? sleep. pot.
What was the last thing that grossed you out?
that's a good question.
What's your zodiac sign?
How many siblings do you have?
Do you tend to search your house for socks?
lee stop being sexist. and no, i don't, because i don't give a shit.
Do you have a song with your best friend?
um, "jail la la" ?
Do you believe that everyone has a soulmate?
those don't exist. at least in the singular/specific form.
When was the last time you wore blue?
If you could learn one dance fluently, what dance would it be?
that's neat to think about. i'd just like to be graceful.
Do you have a well paying job?
it's not awful
When was the last time you went swimming?
maybe at the beach.
Do you have family reunions?
not really
Do you party a lot?
Are you good at math?
Whose your favorite actor?
What's your favorite kind of juice?
Have you snuck into a bar?
Do thunder storms make you scared?
not really. when i was little i used to make mountains of stuffed animals up against the window above my bed in order to protect me from storms. and then my mom would come in and yell at me because she was convinced i was gonna suffocate myself.
How long ago did you take a picture of yourself?
don't take a lot of pictures.
What song lyric is stuck in your head?
soooon i'll be in county jaaaail
Did you cry when you watched the Titanic?
fuck that movie.
What's the saddest song you know?
i know too many sad songs. everything is okay, thursday, and the other woman are among the saddest.
Do you listen to music all the time?
Is crying really a symbol of being weak?
i don't think so.
What is your desktop background?
kick ass thelonious monk album cover where there's a nazi tied up in a chair and monk's at the piano with an AK over his shoulder and a cigar in his mouth. i would kill for a poster of this cover.
Did you play hungry hippo as a kid?
molly across the street owned it. she was always the pink one. bitch.
Do you enjoy sucking helium out of a ballon to make your voice sound funny?
ha, patrick chmil used to do that and rap all the words to 'big poppa'
Does it take you over an hour to go to sleep sometimes?
not often. maybe half an hour.
Do you still use a VCR player?
at home
What's the longest time you gone without brushing you're teeth?
i can be a little lax with that shit. i'm lazy.
Is it hard for you to stop biting your finger nails?
cuticles nowadays. and i'm starting back in on the nails.
Have you ever walked in on someone accidently while they were nude?
fully nude? hm. maybe. i can't really remember it though
Has anyone ever asked you if you were shy?
probably not.
Do you own a professional photography camera?
hell no
Do you find your zodiac horoscopes is sometimes true?
not really
Does it get really cold where you live?
When you get home from school/work do you change into your pjs right away?
i just take off my pants. its a rule rachel and i have, and maybe the only thing rachel and i still agree on.
Do you ever think of crazy things in you're head that probably won't happen?
haha. one hundred percent of the time.
Have you ever day dreamed while riding in a car?
constantly. my favorite thing in the world is listening to music and daydreaming while in a car, or train.
Are you going to see the movie Remember Me when it comes out in theater?
not gonna lie, the poster to that movie is pretty hot. whatever. shoot me.
Have you ever stayed up all night and the whole next day without any sleep?
haha yeah
Have you ever got a cold weather headache?
Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty feet?
probably. thomas said all sorts of bull shit that he didn't mean.
Have you ever been followed by anyone when walking somewhere?
we used to play a game called "stalker" in middle school. that's weird, right? we would run around the neighborhood in packs and pretend to stalk each other. the 'secret passageway' between frankie's and patrick's houses always came in handy.