meme a la andrea!

May 01, 2006 16:33

1. What got you interested in opera?
Absolutely nothing at all. I was taking voice lessons and Harriet was making me sing classical music and suddenly I was enjoying myself and working for something and people were asking what made me so interested in opera.
2. There's an article about you in the paper. What's it about?
Is it in Counterpoint? Because I'm kind of a failure at Castilleja. Maybe it's about Dames at Sea.
3. In the movie of your life, who would play you?
Jonathan Rhys Meyers, apparently. No, if it was going to be someone famous, etc, I think the girl from the Narnia movie, the older one, would be cool. Even though she looks more like kelly fitz's sister than like me.
4. What exactly is the girl in your icon doing?
She looks kind of like she's looking for a contact, but I've always harbored a theory that she's actually doing the laundry or scrubbing the floors.
5. If you could only eliminate racism or sexism, which one would you eradicate and why?
Racism, because I think that an end to sexism wouldn't be too far behind it.

(1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not.
3. Update your LJ/respond with a comment with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.)

Today I was exhausted. Jenny was worse off than I was, but let's face it, I was still exhausted. Good thing I didn't have soccer practice like one K Fitz. Bad thing it's AP week and I still haven't really studied for math or made a great indentation in Euro. I am instead overcome with the urge to swim and make mix cds and lemonade. Also, I keep wondering if my clothes will be cool enough to wear on my first few days at Oberlin. How nutsy is that? I mean, of all things to worry about.
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