Name: Emma
IM: atravenenum
Character's Name: The (Tenth) Doctor
Character's LJ:
lastgallifreyanCharacter's Canon: Doctor Who
Canon History Following the events of ‘The Stolen Earth’ and ‘Journey’s End’, the Doctor was forced to leave his human companion, Donna, on Earth without her memories of their adventures. He made the choice to continue his travels without a companion, but it was the presence of his friends that had kept him from tumbling into darkness, loneliess and rage. His last memory before waking up from the pods was arriving on Mars, the start of a fatefu trip that would see him finally abandoning the rules of time and succumbing to his sense of righteous anger at the world.
Personality: Although the Doctor was exiled from his home planet of Gallifrey many centuries ago, he has never quite been able to let go of the sense of Time Lord superiority that was taught at the Academy. (If anything, the loss of his people during the Time War has made him view them through rose tinted glasses and ignore many of the things that he used to hate about them when they were around.) In his very first episode, the tenth incarnation of the Doctor used his perceived elevated position to cause the downfall of Harriet Jones, prime minister of the UK, and his belief in his own importance and right to make decisions for the rest of the universe only gets stronger as his tenure goes on. In the end, he goes as far as to claim himself ‘the Time Lord Victorious’, not a just the only survivor of the Last Great Time War but the winner.
The Doctor’s vanity manifests itself in many different ways. He lies about his age and is probably over 1000 rather than the 904 he claims. He has used his name as a threat or an answer on more than one occasion, as if that should be enough. His prodigious ego is just as likely to get him into trouble as out of it, however. During a visit to the planet Midnight, the humans that he became trapped with refused to take him at his word and he was almost killed for his righteousness. He needs someone. Not just so he can see the universe through their eyes and experience the wonders he often feels too old to experience, but so they can tell him when to stop.
His righteous anger and arrogance often leads him to act rashly - not to mention ruthlessly - when confronted by injustice or something he considers to be wrong. (As the Last Time Lord, he believes he is the greatest remaining authority in the universe and the only one who has the right to decide what is right or wrong.) When it suits him, he is almost frighteningly ruthless. For example, he didn’t run from the Family of Blood because he was afraid of them, but to save them from his rage and temper. In the end, he punished them by fulfilling their wish for immortality and granting them eternal torment to go with it. Furthermore, he has a strict no guns policy, but it has been suggested that he uses different weapons instead. Not just his wit and intellect, as he would like, but as Davros, the creator of the Daleks, he turns his companions into weapons to use instead.
He has claimed to be a no second chances sort of man, but only when he wants to be. Despite the many wrongs committed by his former friend the Master, he is always willing to forgive him and try to fix him. More than that, despite the damage that the Daleks have done, he was willing to help Dalek Sec and Dalek Caan. He is almost desperate to save people, unable to pass up the chance of helping the most hated and deadly race in the universe, just in case there is some good in them somewhere. This desperation to save people is another reason he went too far and became the Time Lord Victorious. His need to save people and his unwillingness to admit defeat meant that it was only a matter of time before he went too far to fix the injustices that he saw in the universe.
Despite his cheerful demeanour, his enthusiasm and his penchant for exhaulting various sights as brilliant or beautiful, the Doctor is actually rather lonely. (He is also overly enthusiasm at inappropriate times. Queen Victoria was particularly unimpressed by this. She called him out for laughing at things that terrified or injuried other people, though her tirade had no lasting effect on him.) He feels his age more than his previous incarnations, something which is compounded by the loss of the Time Lords and, on top of that, the repeated loss of his companions, and his constant energy and buoyancy is a result of that. On top of that, although he won’t necessarily admit to being in love, he has been alone for so long that he feels it more than he would have in the past. He is still, however, acutely aware that it can’t be forever. He isn’t human, after all. After being reunited with former companion Sarah Jane, he described loneliness as “the curse of the Time Lords”. They lived on while the rest of the universe aged and died around them. In his case, he lives on and carries on while his human friends age and die. And he has a great deal of affection for his human friends. This is partly due to the influence of his companions, partly because of their impressively indomitable nature and, maybe, because he is a little bit jealous of them.
Other: As a Time Lord, the Doctor has a two hearts (which they are taught to stop and restart while at the Academy, just in case), a respiratory bypass system that allows him to hold his breath for long periods of time and a greater tolerance to extremes of cold and radiation than any human. He is also able to regenerate when his body is fatally injured or on the edge of death for some other reason. Regeneration isn’t quite a way of cheating death, as he does die, but it allows a Time Lord to carry on with a new body and a new personality but still, essentially, the same man. (When a Time Lord is injured in a way that isn’t quite serious enough to warrant regeneration, they are able to enter a healing coma. Their body temperature is lowered significantly and they are temporarily unresponsive, but they make a full recovery eventually.)
Time Lords are a time sensitive species, meaning that they have the ability to sense or feel time. They are able to sense the movement of time, the past and all possible futures, as well as things that should and shouldn’t happen. This ability will be muted for the Doctor, as the universe he was born in and was once so attuned to no longer exists. He will be very aware of the absense, which he always took for granted in the past. The time sensitive nature of Time Lords is linked to their other psychic abilities. They can communicate mentally with fellow Time Lords and other telepathic species and are able to retrace memories by peering through the minds of species such as humans. In emergencies, they can even transfer information into - or out of, in even more dire circumstances - other minds. This psychic nature gives all Time Lords a knack for hypnosis, though the Doctor is not as much of a natural as the Master. Training is required to improve on this inate ability.
To top it all off, the Doctor is a supergenius, though how much of that is natural and how much is the product of 1000 years of experience (not to mention a Time Lord education before that) is debatable. He has an advanced knowledge of physics, maths, engineering and the history of numerous races and planets in particular. On top of that, he has a bit of a a knack for languages. Although many of them are translated for him by his TARDIS, he can speak languages such as the one used on the planet Delphon, where people communicate only using their eyebrows and which the TARDIS isn’t able to translate. He can also use a sword and a gun (can, but won’t) and is capable of building useful devices from odds and ends that wouldn’t normally attract a second class. (Naming these devices, however, isn’t a strong point. The Timey Wimey detector is the most obvious example of that.)