Apr 16, 2005 12:03
Ok, so it's been awhile since I updated, and I felt that I should let people know what is going on in my life.
So far: no warcraft. I've done well. The final papers are coming along, in fact I am working on one as I write this, but I needed a bit of a break from the drag of work, so here I am, updating my livejournal, with a bruised shoulder. Hilary: I friggin' hate you. (j/k, I love u future sister-in-law)
Anyway, I am feeling kinda nautious, you know how it is, the whole "I can feel that I am getting sick, but I'm not there yet" kind of nausea. It sucks. What sucks even more is that the softball game is in a week and a half and I have to be in Ohio all of next weekend, and I am getting sick. Leave it to me to get frickin' sick during the busiest two weeks of my year!! argh!
Anyway: while I am complaining about being sick, I am waiting for nick to call so that he, randy, and i can go hit a batting cage. I know, I'm brilliant. Working last night was ok, it was the Milwaukee Bucks, pretty boring night. They're not Indiana, that's for sure. lol.
Ok, there's my update, now: back to my paper.