If you'd like to contact me, just look to the following info:
AIM: abovemydaylight
Pepper's IC AIM: hatesjobhunting
MSN & email: abovemydaylight@hotmail.co.uk
Personal LJ:
timidity; feel free to drop me a PM or something~
Also! If you see anything wrong with Pepper's portrayal, or if you think I could improve on some aspect of her, please do give me a comment here, whether you're anonymous or signed in. I promise I won't get mad or something (I'm too much of a softie to do so, trust me |D), and I'll appreciate any constructive critisism that anyone has for me. Just, uhm, please don't go all out "OMG YOU SUCK GTFO", 'cause that's kinda mean, I think.
IP logging is off, anonymous commenting is on, and comments are screened. :)