(no subject)

Jul 12, 2006 17:41

Ok, so see I have this ability to know who reads my journal. A few months back I met this guy as a result. We stopped talking quite some time ago, ok, everyone knows this story right? Good, I didn't really want to tell it again. Ok, so I was checking it out today and I noticed something. He's checked it again. But he decided to try to be sneaky sneaky and use an sn I've "never" talked to him on. Yeah, but it's the same as his yahoo, or his original login for a message board. How many times must I tell people. YOU CAN'T STALK A STALKER! Funny part is that I'd still be totally cool with talking to him, in fact, I have nothing against him really. So maybe he should IM me.

Anyway. I have other things to update on, but nothing truly interesting...

I love you's!

I love being a better stalker than you, giving confidence lessons, earrings, Jim Beam, Kevin, and you.
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