Oct 25, 2008 23:47
Okay so today I went to Chipotle at Farmer's Market and I ordered 2 burritos, 1 chip and 1 guacamole...
we went to our seat..
2 minutes later this lady comes up asking to see my reciept and she went back to her little corner and came and said "you didn't pay for the guacamole...but then she said "okay you guys can have it this time but next time you have to pay for it"
so my friends and i were like "wtf...?" cause like... why would it be our 'fault' that they didn't charge us but handed it over to us...
so I went to get my parking validated and she said
"you go tell your friend that she has to come and pay for the guacamole"
so I said
"why? we ordered it, you handed it to us.."
and she said
"but you didn't pay for it"
so I said
"who's fault would that be then?"
and she said
"go look at the receipt.. it's not written down, so can you go ask her to come pay?"
so i walked back and I heard her saying "disgracio" ( I didn't know what that was until I went to my table [with 3 Mexican friends] and they said
"Did you hear what that bitch said ?"
So apperantly "disgracio" is not like "disgrace" in English... it's more of like "Curse your family, bitch"
-I wouldn't care as much if she said it in English but to 'curse' me in her language is just
so let's just say by the end of the day.. there are 4 empty sauce bottles with it's contents all over the seats and table along with the American-size trash (you know how fastfood can be), along with that $1.60 guacamole dragged on the floor
(Childish, I know but wtf)
would have smacked that bitch but i rather not go to jail but have the cleaner-uper suffer for the words of her colleague..
Ofcourse I am gonna call tomorrow and complain about Myra pinche torta puta