14th Spell [Accidental Video]

Nov 15, 2010 10:45

--was going to bed! You don't need to tell me what I already know!

[Allen's voice is the first thing to come through on Merlin's PCD, and though he's apparently got enough energy to bitch at Merlin, he hasn't got much more than that, as the PCD reveals Merlin gently, but insistently shoving Allen into bed, asserting his Mother Hen title in Howl's Moving Castle once and for all.

Merlin simply nods, like one would agree with an unruly child, and presses him more firmly down to the bed.  When he speaks, his tone is deceptively light, but it's clear that his friend's self-sacrificing attitude is beginning to seriously piss him off.]

Clearly I can't trust you to take care of yourself, Allen.  Stop running off on your own like this all the time. Seriously. I don't want to have to resort to tying you down but it's really beginning to get on my nerves.

[Then, against all reason, Merlin grins.]

Did I ever tell you about that time with the rope?

[And that's all folks! Sorry, if you want to hear about the rope, you're going to have to ask Merlin himself.]

seriously allen stop being stupid, this is getting to be ridiculous, needs better friends, allen you're an idiot, this is why nobody likes a hero, merlin doesn't get to keep his friends, mommy merlin, people are going to talk, codependent like woah

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