various updates

Jul 19, 2009 00:50

we finished up our Silver Age Sentinels game today... my superbug and the rest of the mysterious strangers defeated the vampire god... good times n,n <3

it's kinda been a little while since i've updated this... sorta been posting to facebook instead lol... lemme see... highlights...

i enjoyed transformers2... so poo on any naysayers =3

i am still in an artistic slump but i'm on vacation and have hopes of fixing that issue...

my parents got a wii and are enjoying it =D

my ex step grandfather died... i wasn't speaking with him for things he had done in the past to people and even before i knew about said things i didn't particularly care for him... but he's gone now so i'll let go of that angst... may he rest in whatever may pass for peace...

Blaz Blue is fucking amazing =D

adorable gerbils are doing awesome still <3

i'm trying to decide if i want more pets or not... i was thinking hermit crab <3 but haven't had any other enthusiasm from friendly parties... what should i get? blerg!

anyways that is sort of whats going on in my life... fun fun =D
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