Padme Amidala (Original) -
undone_royalBefore she died, Leia knew Padme Amidala as a former senator and queen of Naboo, but that was it. Upon meeting her in Template though, she discovered that Padme was Leia's birth mother as well. Leia and Padme are on uncertain terms right now, due to Leia's hatred of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, and Padme's love for him.
Han Solo (Original) -
roguescoundrelLeia has known Han for four years, and they've been through a lot together. She loves Han, but only just admitted it recently. Since she arrived in Template though, she found out that the Han here lived longer than she did- and apparently married her... after she died. It doesn't really compute, but she still loves him. They'll figure out the married thing later.
Anakin Skywalker (Original) -
ihasdarksideLeia holds a deep hatred for Anakin Skywalker, better known to her as Darth Vader. The future Anakin has hurt not only she, but many that she cares for, even aiding in the destruction of her homeworld. Before she died, she vowed to see the end of Darth Vader. Now though, she's met the younger version- much younger, as in nine years old- and she's just confused and doesn't know what to think.
Kazumi (Original) -
surpraizepitaph Leia met Kazumi briefly during the chibi fiasco, then again during the problems with the nightmares about her father. He checked up on her since they're housemates. She doesn't know him very well, but she appreciates that he looked in on her.
Raine Sage (Template) -
findherwayLeia met Raine during the chibi fiasco when she noticed the little girl staring at her. She tried to talk with her, but nothing came of it. She's met her since as an adult. Raine seems so innocent to her that Leia feels like she needs to protect her.