(no subject)

Mar 30, 2007 11:29

Since last Wednesday afternoon, I have been barely showing up to class, not because I was lazy but because I was/am sick. For the first couple of days, I just had mild stomach cramps (not what you get from periods). I just kind of blew it off and thought it would go away. On Friday, it got a bit worse and now I'm kind of hunching over to elevate the pain. I was somewhat relieved that I didn't have to spend the afternoon with Brandon because I might have just killed his fun. And I think I did when I was at the sandwich shop with him but that's another story. Saturday...the pain was lifting till that night when I was preparing the shrimp for the bonfire on Sunday. It hurt so much that I had to play it off like I was okay so that my parents wouldn't stop me from going. Sunday, the pain had been constant and I didn't worry so much about it.

Then on Monday...oh Monday...my stomach pains were still the same but then as I reached closer to CSULB, it started getting worse to the point where I was wincing from the pain. Did I mention I was still driving? I finally made it to campus when I realized I could barely stand up straight when I got out of my car. I got back in immediately and called my mom to tell her I was going home because my stomach is hurting much more. I'm still wincing and clenching my stomach as I drive home. I'm surprised I made it without a scratch. I got home, ran to the bathroom hoping that number 2 would do the trick, I got nothing. My dad came home and called for an emergency visit at the doctor's. There at the doctor's, I did my usual routine: weight, body temperature, etc. Then I went into one of the rooms where my doctor asked me questions and why I was here. I told him about the stomach pains and that everything else was normal i.e. bowel movements are still the same, I don't take any medications, etc. He, first checks my stomach, feeling around to see if there are any unusual lumps swelling up inside me and all that stuff. Then he checked the area that I told him was hurting (lower left near the kidney). He lightly punches me there to see if it hurts and I told him it did. He asked whether it was a sharp or dull pain. I replied that it was a dull pain. Next he checks my breathing and heart rate. After about 3-5 minutes, he stops and tells me that he thought he heard a murmur in my heart. He resumes inspection to make sure whether he was correct or not. After about another 5-7 minutes, he has this perplexed look on his face that reads "I know I heard the heart murmur, now where is it?" Then he moves on to vaccinations and since I'm 18, I have to take them. I got one vaccination for Gardisil and another for Meningitis (I thought I got this one already). My stomach pain has decreased as of now, so I returned to school for just only my Astro class. After class ended I came home and just as I got out of the car, I started violently shaking and my fingers were turning pale. I go into my room thinking that I just need some rest but after about 15 minutes of shaking I got up. I went to my mom's room and asked her if what I was seeing was true. She was all like "why are you shaking like that. Put on more jackets and gloves." And so I did and I'm still shaking like crazy. I had my sister bring me boiling hot water and I'm just downing it like it was bottled water. I'm still shaking when I finally fell asleep. After about an hour or so, I became extremely hot and started sweating. After that little bit, I felt better and my stomach pains have really lessened.

On Tuesday I showed up to class fine and dandy, went over to Brandon's house feeling well with a slight pain on my side. We then went to Quizno's to get some food, Starbucks and MovieTown in the crazy weather. It was after we left Starbucks that I started feeling sick, almost nauseated. I sat in the car while Brandon went in to get movies. He drops me off at his house while I watched Happy Feet and he went to The Block to apply at Alcatraz and RainForest Cafe. I fell asleep by the time he came home. Then he laid next to me and noticed that I was hot (not sexy hot, but I'm burning up hot). I laid there for a bit with a headache until I finally left around 7ish. I came home with another violent shake, had my sister make me hot water and tea. I took an Advil, ended up throwing up nothing but water and bile. Went back to sleep, still shaking a bit and then a sweat broke out and I'm frickin' sweating as hell. By this time, my lower body was incapable of moving much. I went back to sleep after mustering enough energy to text Brandon a few time. Around 10, my stomach started accepting food again. I rested after 5 or so spoonfuls of chao (rice pudding) and woke up to do the same thing over and over till I finished. I shuffled my way to the cupboard to grab some cereal, I ended up laying on the ground with my dog as I ate them with him (I threw some out for him to chase around and eat). Finally, I got back up and went to sleep, feeling ridiculously dizzy.

This morning I woke up, showered off the sweat, put my damp clothes in the laundry basket, changed, ate breakfast and left for school to take my Econ midterm. I get there and he's telling us that he has postponed the midterm till the 11th of April. Feeling to tired to go through with the rest of the day, I went home. And now I'm here on Vox and a couple of other websites. My dad believes that the fever broke out because of one of my vaccination and I think he's right. I went on the site for Gardisil and it read: "GARDASIL is given as 3 injections over 6 months and can cause pain, swelling, itching, and redness at the injection site, fever, nausea, and dizziness."

The stomach pains might be the work of an infection or virus but we're not so sure about that. So now I have to wait within the next 2 weeks to see whether there is something seriously wrong or it's just something that'll pass. If they call, it's something serious. If they don't call, nothing to worry about.

As for the update, I have to see the doctor again for more testing next month because they found traces of blood in my urinalysis. I didn't see any blood in it but under the microscope the doctors were able to find them. The month following that, I have to see the doctor again for another Gardisil injection.
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