Avengers MCU DRABBLE: All the Pretty Colors

Oct 07, 2013 23:58

Title: All the Pretty Colors
Author: last_winterrose
Prompt: All the Brilliant Colors
Characters: Tony Stark(Iron Man)/Bruce Banner(Hulk), and Pepper Potts
Word Count: 593
Rating: PG (Just to play it safe)
Author's Notes: This was written for the writerverse for Challenge #1: Weekly Quick Fic #1
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc): Mention of some adult themed subjects.

Pepper convince the boys to get out of the tower and join her at a art galley opening as a charity event being thrown by SI.


As Bruce moved through the art galley, he silently glanced around at the other people there. It had been about three months since the battle with Loki and even though Tony and the others have insisted that no one would be after him, Bruce had done his best to still in Stark Tower. It was partly because of his relationship with Tony that he had let Pepper talk him into coming to this charity event being thrown with by SI.

“Don't worry Big Guy,” Tony whispered to him as he wrapped his arm around Bruce's waist and pulled them closer together. “No one is going to try anything.”

“How do you know?”

“I'm Tony Stark, I know everything.”

Bruce just smiled as they made their way to the main lobby for Pepper's speak for the official opening of the galley. As they walked, his glances started shifting from the people around them to the actual pieces of art hanging on the wall. Some of them were those odd looking ones where he doesn't the artist even knew what the hell they were painting and others were very beautiful.

As they rounded the corner to the lobby, there was one painting that caught his eye. It was a picture of the skyline of New York at sunset and right in the middle of the painting was the Stark Tower, the moment of the tower's lights turning on frozen in oil paints. In a sea of reds and oranges. He slipped away from Tony to look closer at it. “Wow, this is beautiful.”

“You like it that much?” Tony asked moving up behind him.

Bruce nodded, “It's like I'm looking like the actually looking at the Tower.” Bruce was trying to count the different colors that had been used in it. He was so busy looking over the picture that he hadn't noticed Pepper had started talking.

“Come on.” He felt Tony tug his arm and turned to follow him to the front of the crowd, with a glance over his shoulder.


“Dr. Banner? Mr. Stark have asked that you join him in the living room.”

Bruce glanced up at the floor as if he would actually see JARVIS one of days. “Um, okay.” He hitted save on his computer and moved from behind his desk.

He entered the living room to find Tony standing in the middle behind the sofa. He was leaning something against it. When Bruce the couch, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. There, against the side of the couch was the painting from the gallery.

“Tony? What?”

Tony grinned, “You liked it so much, I wanted to get it for you.” Tony moved behind Bruce and wrapped his arms around Bruce's waist. “I asked Pepper for the artist's name and they couldn't believe that I wanted to buy their painting.”

“It's beautiful but you didn't have to-”

“I know, but I wanted to. If you want, you can call it my three months anniversary gift to you. That's coming up, right?”

Bruce grinned as he turned in Tony's arms and wrapped his own around Tony's neck. “So, you do remember something.”

“I'm Tony Stark, I remember everything.”

Bruce pulled Tony to him for a kiss as the sunset outside the wall of windows shifted into the same sea of colors that were in the picture. As Tony deepen the kiss, Bruce started thinking that maybe he should let the others get him out of the Tower more often.

The End

character: tony stark(iron man), word count: 500-1000, pairing: tony/bruce, type: fan drabble, character: bruce banner(hulk), challenge: writerverse, fandom: avengers mcu, rating: pg

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