Apr 17, 2011 21:53
because last week was just really long and filled with nights where I got 4 hours of sleep, if I was lucky. It's really funny coming home after a long time (by which I mean a month or two... not REALLY a long time, hahah) because it's like a completely different world. I never realize how much changes while I'm gone. It's weird to come home and have things be different (and just small things, like the sudden appearance of items like gravy mix, instant coffee and cream cheese in the kitchen, and the new bath rug sets). It's still weird for me to remember that life still goes on when I'm not here, and that it isn't static. It's weird that all these things appear in our house while I'm gone, so that I get home and my parents are still my parents, my sisters are still my sisters, my room is still my room, but it's not my house. Not anymore. It's theirs. I don't like feeling like a stranger in my own home...
But gravy mix? Instant coffee? Who are these people? I know, they're weird things to fixate on but my mom has made her own gravy since before I was born and my parents hate coffee. I figure it's my eldest sister's but we've never really been people to have coffee in our house like that. It's just... weird...