Who: Kiba, Kin
What: Kin can't find her way to the offices after her last class of the day
Where: Around school
When: Sept 11
Looking down at her purple, Gloomy Bear planner, Kin paused in the middle of the near empty hallway. She sighed and opened the pages to the back where it read Notes. In her extremely slanted and line filled scrawl the girl had written out a room number and a time in which she had to meet an adviser. Yet she had no idea where that was. It should have been as easy as walking up these stairs, down the hall she was on, and there it was.
Yet there was nothing but classrooms. All of which Kin had looked in.
Turning around with a huff, irritated that she couldn't complete such a simple task, she let out a cry as she suddenly found herself sitting on the ground. Kin usually didn't just fall over, but when she was looking down and walking in to people she lost her balance with ease. Shaking her head, black hair having fallen out of the bow to hang down the sides of her face, she looked up to the person she hit.
"Sorry." Kin did not sound very apologetic at all. She wasn't, but telling people to "watch it" when it was clearly her fault was just moronic.