Who: Everyone!!
What: Its the middle of the afternoon, hot weather, ITS POOL PARTY TIEM!
Where: The Sabakus summer villa
When: fuck if I know lol
'K I'm back from work, and put the intro in para form, lets go people!
Villa photos for reference are
here. Click the link on the page that says photo gallery.
Inflatable lilos = win )
Of course, he'd had a bad feeling about this pool party that someone - he couldn't even remember her face, much less her name; he hadn't expected this many people - had told him he just had to come to before he even stepped a foot into his lengthy simple black surfer shorts. But it was a nice day out and he hadn't been swimming in a long while, and with this being a hosted retreat, he'd feel a little too ungrateful to just ignore the fact that he'd been invited to an event ( ... )
Squinting his eyes through the chlorine, the teen struggled, trying to find a foothold of his own. Luckily, with him being shoved under, his feet found the floor of the pool before Tobi's could. Pushing his body past his cousin's, he squinted his eyes shut as the man's fingers yanked at his scalp and forced his arm around, aiming an elbow sharply in the direction of Tobi's spine, feeling the joint connect with at least the compact flesh of the ack of his ribcage before kicking away and up for air.
Which meant this would be the point in the grand battle where weapons were drawn. Or a glass bottle was broken over the curb. Unfortunately, nothing sharp was at Tobi's direct disposal. Just... pool toys. An unnatural amount of floating things sitting along one side of the pool. So being the opportunist he was, he grabbed one of the pool noodles from the side, and before Sasuke had a chance to land another blow, he slapped the foam toy down smack on his younger cousin's head.
"......." Dark eyes stared the short distance he'd gotten away from the elder man to eye Tobi, one dark brow lifting very slowly. Did... He just hit him with a pool noodle? He stared at the bright pink... Thing for nearly a minute before glowering at his cousin and grabbing the nearest floating object - a beach ball, harmless but he hardly cared at this point - and flung it in the other's direction.
"What the Hell was that?" He asked defensively, acting as if his weapon of choice had been much better. Phallic objects and balls. Leave it to the Uchihas to make people constantly wonder.
And then he whacked the pool noodle down again, not caring that they probably just looked like two bickering kids at this point. But for all the noise the damn thing made, it's not like it did any real damage. "Get over here so I can strangle you."
"Give me that, you overgrown child-" Again, pot calling kettle black at this point, but Sasuke apparently either didn't notice or care, pulling harder at the pool noodle.
And he was dazed for a moment after it happened, his vision needing a moment to recollect itself. If he was such an overgrown child, he'd fight like one. And nothing screamed juvenile like a headbutt. And if that didn't prove he was a kid, the way he pulled the pool noodle back possessively as if it were his favorite toy and he was unwilling to share definitely did it.
It lasted about a minute with Sasuke holding his quickly bruising forehead, slipping constantly under the water from it's depth, before he gained enough of himself to grab hold of the side of the pool to steady himself. That jolt to the skull had him reeling, and it took another second to remember why he'd even started a fight with this psycho. ...Oh yeah. That pastel, paint, and crayon mess he'd left back at the dorms. Swearing under his breath, he shook his head and glared at Tobi, near snarling before grabbing another pool ( ... )
Oh of course it wouldn't do any damage. It was a flying piece of foam for Christ's sake. But it felt more satisfying just to throw something at the other Uchiha. Regardless of what it happened to be.
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