May 20, 2006 17:00
There is so much thats happened since i got back from the bahamas/ my last entry that i'm not even gonna try to go into details. Here we go:
- the Bahamas were absolutly B E A U T I F U L. I couldnt get over how pretty that place was. The Atlantis was I N S A N E. That place is worth a hell of a lot of money. And the whole place was full. People were everywhere. And the locals were by far some of the nicest people i have ever ever talked to. The only thing i hated was the company. by wednesday i was about to catch a ride to the airport and get on the next plane to Boston. I was in tears by Friday. thats how sick of my family i got. but i surrvived. oh, but they lost my bag on the ride home. it ended up in new york, but i got it back.
-Prom(s) was amazing. End of story.
I cannot wait till next years!
-Spring show <333
- the SATs raped me. that effin prep course was soooo much easier than the actual test. the only part i think i did decent on was the writing. oh well, we'll see at the end of the month.
-im done with spanish. i basically either go to a study or we just hang out with ms. woodward. me and heather were the only juniors in that class, so after we took our final on tuesday (97 babyyy) we were finished. The seniors graduate on wednesday then... SENIORS 07! holla.
-JJ graduates next sunday. =[ or =] ? Northeasten University awaits him in the fall. Grad party July 1st.
-FRIENDS <333 !!!
-i cut my hair. its hits at my shoulders! =O i love it.
K. i think im done.