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Oct 05, 2009 02:47

Name: Optimus Prime
Canon/Series: Transformers (Bayverse)
Age: Older than dirt. Several thousands of years, but likely closer to mid to late thirties by human standards. He’s young compared to some of his subordinates, but he’s no child either.
Occupation: [Field agent]
Personality: ... He’s Optimus f*cking Prime.

Strong in the face of adversity, Optimus manages to retain hope, no matter the situation - and more importantly, can restore it in those who follow him as well. He is a guiding light to his Autobots, able to inspire courage and stir the spirits in even the faintest of heart (spark).

He is both noble and resolute, and his morals are ironclad. There is nothing in this world or the next that would convince Optimus to betray his idea of what is right - and that is that “freedom is the right of all sentient non-Decepticon beings.” While it is his preference to solve conflicts through reasoning and negotiation, that does not mean he is a pacifist - He can and will fight for what he believes, and will make sacrifices when it is demanded of him.

However, Prime does not make these choices without regret. Every life lost weighs heavily on his conscience, even with the knowledge that there was no other option. He does not allow his feelings of the loss of friends and comrades to cloud his judgment, feeling that it would be a disservice to them - he would sooner mourn when the battle is won, than allow their death to have been in vain. Such is the burden of leadership, in his opinion, and he accepts it gracefully.

When dealing with his species, as well as others, Optimus is diplomatic and polite. His every word is calculated and thought out, knowing the power of his authority; as a leader, his words have greater impact. It would be an abuse of that position to say anything careless, which Prime has no intention of doing.

Perhaps one of his greatest strengths and one of his most obvious weaknesses is Optimus’ self-sacrificing nature. He will put the well-being and comfort of others before his own - be it something as simple as musical tastes (yes, I am looking at you, Kami and your Japanese girl bands) or a situation of much more importance. The value of his own life pales in comparison to that of an innocent, and Optimus would gladly give it up if it meant their safety.

Skills/Special Abilities/Powers: He is the goddamned Optimus Prime.

As an Autonomous Cybernetic Organism, Optimus is equipped with the ability to take on an alternate form - a disguise, scanned and created to mimic a vehicle that is indigenous to the world he finds himself in. On Earth, that is the form of a custom Peterbilt semi-truck. The Autobot symbol on the front aside, it stands out with its red and blue flame paintjob, and the fact that the metal always seems to be absolutely spotless. He is rarely seen carrying a trailer, but not for lack of ability - Prime is able to haul up to six hundred metric tonnes, and capable of reaching speeds up to two hundred and fifty miles per hour.

In his natural robot form, Optimus is twenty eight feet tall, making him the tallest of the Autobot forces (though the title of heaviest still goes to a certain black armoured weapon master). He is equipped with several smaller firearms, the most notable of which being his arm mounted barrage cannon and his ion blaster. However, in comparison to others from his world, firearms are not his strong suit.

Character traits aside, Optimus’ true ability lies in his physical strength. He is several times stronger than even Megatron - however, he would never unleash that power. Using barely a third of that, the Autobot is constantly wary of the collateral damage his skills may cause - which, when fighting in a city, severely limits his abilities.

His favoured weapons are the two Energon blades attached at each wrist (very useful in removing faces). The blades can be used in their normal state, or be charged using an electrical generator to heat them, so they can better cut through metal armour plating.

He is also RoboJesus.

History: Optimus was once the co-ruler of Cybertron, alongside Megatron. He cared for the civilians and scientific division, while Megatron, carrying the title of “Lord High Protector,” was responsible for the military forces of the planet. The pair were considered the keepers of the All Spark, charged with both the monitoring and protection of the artifact.

They ruled in peace, despite the elder’s sometimes more forceful methods; Megatron took care of any potential threats to the planet with harsh efficiency, while Optimus strived to maintain balance and a sense of fairness among his people. The difference in their opinions occasionally led to disagreements, but was never enough to spark any major conflicts.

When the All Spark began to show signs of unusual activity during an archaeological excavation, one such argument began; Optimus and his team feared that by pressing farther they would be disturbing ancient artifacts, where Megatron was more curious as to the true nature of the discovery. He felt that due to the strange energy readings, whatever was hidden within the site may have the same regenerative energies as the All Spark itself.

Unbeknownst to the Transformers, they had stumbled across the sarcophagi of the Primes - and more importantly, The Fallen. The power of their corrupted ancestor began to taint the military leader as well; he felt its pull in the form of a lure, calling him to its side. The symbol of the Primes would later come to represent those who stood against Megatron, the Autobots, while The Fallen’s symbol came to embody the Decepticon faction. Further studying of the artefacts led to one other important discovery - Optimus was the last surviving descendant of the original Primes.

With their military leader slowly losing his mind and turning his weapons against innocent civilians, Optimus was finally forced to take a stand. Adopting his proper title, Optimus Prime led the Autobots in a centuries’ long campaign against their former protectors. It was an arduous affair, killing many and depleting the majority planet’s resources.

With both forces at a stalemate, the Autobot leader had no choice but to take drastic action - He ejected the All Spark into deep space. The act would condemn his planet to a slow death, forcing his people into nomads, lest they die of Energon starvation - but it would keep the relic from the clutches of Megatron. In Optimus’ mind, there could be no higher priority.

During the years following, both Autobots and Decepticons scattered to various regions across the galaxy, seeking new sources of energy and carrying on the feud that had killed their own planet. Optimus maintained his position as leader; however, due to the nature of their new mission, it would have been physically impossible to keep track of every soldier he had at all times.

It was that very fact that led him to Earth.

With Megatron conspicuously absent for well over a century, the Autobots began to get anxious. Not only was the leader of their opposition in hiding, but several of their own had vanished throughout the years of conflict - and there was still no sign of the All Spark. Three of the most notable absences were those of Optimus’ Weapon Specialist, one of his most trusted medics, and a young scout - All three of them brave soldiers, and close friends of Prime’s.

The Autobot leader could not simply allow their fates to hang in limbo; he felt that he owed them some closure, at the very least. Even if he would not like his findings, he set himself the task of seeking out his three missing comrades. Two had been last contacted in the Sol System, which provided him with at least a starting point.

Upon arrival in Sol, Optimus chose the most populated planet to begin his search - a small planet known as Earth. If his soldiers had gone into hiding, this planet was the most sensible choice; it was rich in energies that could be converted to Energon, and one of the few places capable of sustaining organic life.

What Prime had not counted upon were the humans. Earth’s dominant race was a primitive, but sentient species - still young, searching for their place in the world. They were violent in their archaic methods, and seemed bent on creating conflict, particularly between one another - and yet, he could not help but feel that he was staring into a reflection of his own species’ early years.

Adopting the alternate form of a custom semi-truck, Optimus found it would suit his purposes best; it was a suitable size and an inconspicuous vehicle for long distance travel. Using the internet to research the species basic habits and languages, it was by fluke that he stumbled across the video that featured a certain black Autobot - the same video that had lured the young scout, as a matter of fact.

As Prime headed for the East Coast of the United States, it was with considerably lighter spirits and now two goals in mind: Recover the missing surviving Autobots, and continue to protect this fledgling race in secret. His companions had managed to keep their presence concealed for the most part, for which he was grateful; Optimus feared it was only a matter of time before the Decepticons discovered their whereabouts, and as they had been so apt to do in the past, bring the war to them.

Third Person Sample:

When Optimus had left the Ark to embark on this journey, he had been forced to prepare himself for the worst.

There had been no contact from his former companions for well over a vorn - Such odds were not promising during normal times, let alone wartime. The lingering signs of Decepticon activity that Prime had stumbled across in the Sol System only served to emphasize that point, reminding him that even these distant corners of the galaxy were not unbeknownst to their enemy.

Perhaps it was that looming shadow of doubt that made such a discovery all the more satisfying.

Optimus was certainly not a pessimist - As a leader, he had no room to be. Every optic was on him, following his every move, audios strained to catch his words; were he to simply give up in the face of simple doubt, they would never last against the threat of the Decepticons. They would be beaten before they had even begun, their spirits extinguished by the weight of their fears.

However, that did not mean that the Autobot leader was incapable of facing reality; a century was a long time to be missing.

So that flash of familiar, scarred black armour... No matter how grainy the image, how primitive the technology - it had been enough to make even Optimus Prime give pause, rewinding and reviewing the footage. There was no way it could have been doctored, no possible resource that a human would have access to that could achieve that likeness.

His comrades were very much alive.

First Person Sample:

[ A custom painted semi-truck rolls up to a stop at the edge of the curb, the squeak of windshield wipers just audible over the low rumble of a powerful engine. Was anyone paying close enough attention, the might have noticed that the way the holomatter driver flickered slightly in the low light, or just how spotless the fiery red and blue paint was, despite the long run on the highway. Of course, in the driving rain, it was not nearly as obvious. ]

This appears to be the same location featured in the video. It would be a suitable starting point to begin my search. [ The voice is lowered, internal - the equivalent of a whisper for a Cybertronian, so as not to attract unwanted attention. ]

I have yet to detect their comm signals, but there are trace amounts of Energon signatures in the area - They have been here recently.

[ A pause as the Autobot debates his next course of action, the engine still idling. Finally, he creates an open channel, directed at any Autobot communicator within range - Careful to keep it encrypted, so that the signal is not intercepted by any human radio equipment, or worse - a Decepticon. ]

Attention to all Autobots: This is Optimus Prime - If you are receiving this message, report with your designation and coordinates immediately.

Notes/Questions: Give me your face, please.
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